• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • limitation of lens physics

    Hi Margot, that’s an interesting observation. Those kind of artifacts have been associated with the big screen for so long that they keep persisting in the public consciousness, even though digital production is now the norm. I think we forget sometimes that these were not stylistic choices but the result of the limitations of film equipment. Nostalgia can be a weird intoxicating thing, I wonder if we’ll ever feel the same way about AM radio?

    Oh, and I’m sorry to do the “akshually” thing, but adjusts glasses some directors have been known to shine flashlights into the camera while filming to create intentional lens flare effects. So, like, it does happen in the film industry too. Sorry, wasn’t going for a “gotcha” moment… I akshually did have to adjust my glasses just now and felt obligated.

  • Programming I really don’t see myself doing but I do admit having some curiosity towards python, going for years, but I really don’t know where to start to approach it.

    You’ll probably want to start small at first (random number generator, calculator, tic-tac-toe), but eventually you could create an app that would help you with your business. IDK, just thinking out loud, maybe inventory management or a system maintenance tool?

    My background is not on STEM and I was always passed the notion that without roots in hard math I can’t go far in programming.

    I made that mistake years ago and have always regretted it. I mean, I’m doing just fine now, but that fear of math really did me no favors in life. I really wish I had pursued a CS degree.