I normally use ext4 or btrfs and I like my wife so I won’t make the switch
BTRFS, wasn’t that Dennis Rader 🤔
Lol, I think that was BTKFS but maybe I should switch just to be safe
That’s a killer feature. Sucks that it got removed.
Womp womp
As funny as this is, it’s worth mentioning that it seems like Hans Reiser has really come around to understanding the crime he committed and is genuinely making an effort to turn himself around.
https://ftp.mfek.org/Reiser/Letters/ Number 2 … / reiser_response.html
I was asked by a kind Fredrick Brennan for my comments that I might offer on the discussion of removing ReiserFS V3 from the kernel. I don’t post directly because I am in prison for killing my wife Nina in 2006.
I am very sorry for my crime–a proper apology would be off topic for this forum, but available to any who ask.
There’s too much to quote here, and it’s too spread out, but I think that while we make dark humor jokes (and I am certainly not saying dark humor is inherently bad) we should also appreciate the progress he has made.
Murdering your wife is one of those things that, no matter what else you achieve in your life, people will say “there goes Hans the wife murderer”. Even if you only ever murdered one wife and have shown no signs of making a habit of it.
You see that bridge over there? I built that with my own two hands. But do they call me Hans the bridge builder? No…
You see the town hall building on the hill? I laid every one of those bricks. But do they call me Hans the bricklayer? No…
But you shag one sheep…
I will never get a kick out of the abrupt turn to his wikipedia entry
Your link 404s for me
So you’re saying the link is… dead?
Weird. I updated it with the dir the letters are in.
It works now.
404s for me as well but im guessing https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/01/convicted-murderer-filesystem-creator-writes-of-regrets-to-linux-list covers it.
Interesting to see how many features NTFS does support
That’s why it’s still being used. Not a major reason to move on for MS.
Sad to see APFS not on the list (I know why, just wanted to compare).
Not sure if it’s gotten better in the last few years, but it’s also incredibly slow. Like orders of magnitude slower than ext3 or HFS.
I’ve never thought of APFS as slow. Didn’t realize it was.
Oops, replied to wrong comment! I was talking about NTFS.
Yeah that was kind of a weird take, I’ve never felt it being slow nor heard it is from anywhere else.
What?!? I need some more context please.
Hans Reiser was convicted of murdering his wife. He is
(was?)in jail.Known for: ReiserFS, murder
Wiki says he is still there:
Criminal penalty: 15 years to life imprisonment (parole in 2022 refused, next hearing is in 2027)
Thanks for the link, seems interesting.
Hans Reiser, who created reiserfs, was convicted of murdering his ex-wife. It was quite the deal at the time.
Oh cool.
His wife was a little less impressed /s
Cool as in interesting information, not cool as in cool to kill your wife.
To be fair, it was a controversial feature at the time, some people said it actually encouraged the development of btrfs as an alternative.
Hans Reiser murdered his wife in 2006. That’s not a joke,
orbut it’s also a meme.It is a meme.
Remember to always check default mount options.
can you give real version’s link
deleted by creator
I will allow it.