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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • My understanding is that all issues are patched in the mentioned releases, the config flag is not needed for that.

    The config flag has been added because supporting clients with different endianness is undertested and most people will never use it. So if it is going to generate vulnerabilities, it makes sense to be able to disable it easily, and to disable it by default on next major release. Indeed XWayland had it disabled by default already, so only the fourth issue (ProcRenderAddGlyphs) is relevant there if that default is not changed.

  • It might be helpful to elaborate on what permissions mean for directories. As always, this is well explained on the Arch Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/File_permissions_and_attributes#Viewing_permissions

    The short version is that, when it comes to permissions for directories:

    • r is what allows you to see what files are in the directory, for instance by ls directory,
    • x is what allows you to operate on the contents of the file, for instance by cat directory/file or by echo something > directory/file,
    • w (together with x, in case of directories it is meaningless without x) is what allows you to create new files, delete existing or otherwise modify the directory itself, for instance by cp directory/file directory/new_file.

    Note that these are completely separate from the file permissions, which govern the contents of the file. For instance, if I have only x permission for the directory, but I have rw permission for a file of that directory, I can write to the file and read from it. However, I wouldn’t be able to remove it. On the other hand, if I have wx permission for a directory and I have no permissions for a file of that directory, I cannot write nor read from the file, but I can remove the file.

    In spite of above, you will find all users have rwx permissions for /tmp, but they can only remove their own files. This is due to the sticky bit, which is marked by the output of ls -l having drwxrwxrwt instead of drwxrwxrwx. This means that the system will only allow the other users to rename or remove the file if they actually own it.

    A common(ish) usecase for splitting r and x on permissions is when teachers want to collect the work of the students. They might have their home directory permissions set to rwx--x--x to ensure other people can’t see their files (and of course they still should make sure that the individual files have the correct permissions). However then they can create a directory /home/teacher/work and set its permissions to rwxrwxrwt. Then for a student, ls /home/teacher will fail, but ls /home/teacher/work and cp my_work.tar.gz /home/teacher/work will succeed.

  • Isn’t this the point though? Like, if you spot that (let’s concretize) the trash is starting to overflow, you can either take it out right now which will take you 2 minutes and (hopefully) barely interrupt your day, or you can add it to your list of things to do. And so you get that list of 59 things by ignoring the 2-minute rule, not by applying it.