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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • government regulation to force companies to begin using a modular system

    Yeah, that’s fair. But the issue is also similar to cell phones.

    Each battery is unique because it needs to fit the unique layout of the vehicle. Not to mention the battery tech is moving so fast, that the chemistry of the battery itself is changing every few years.

    I suspect China’s approach to a vehicle where you hot-swap the batteries instead of charging will be the way it goes. Someone will do it, it will be most $$$ efficient and therefore profitable, and then it will force them all to adopt the same approach.

  • The replacing the battery is simply a supply issue.

    There is such a demand and so little supply, that if you want to buy just a battery (and not the entire car) you are out of luck. They’ll put that battery in a new car and sell it before selling it to you as a replacement.

    But that’s short term. There are a huge number of battery plants already breaking ground and coming online.

    In 2 years or so, the price to replace the battery will be a HELL of a lot lower, and the issue you linked above will be long gone.

  • Ya know, I wouldn’t mind ads,


    No, I’m never going to buy a car based off an ad. Block em all.

    No, I’m never switching insurance companies based on an ad.

    No, I’m not interested in mobile games. Ever.

    And yet when I tell google, block this content, not interested, I don’t want to see this particular topic.

    It just doesn’t fucking listen.

    You’d think this would be an absolute GOLD MINE of information that google would want, to better focus their ads,.

    But they just ignore it,

    It’s not about linking people to stuff they are interested in and taking a percentage… it’s about wasting everyone’s fucking time, and then they wonder why people run ad blockers.

  • While Epic has been pouring money from Fortnite into Unreal Engine and making significant progress in updating the engine.

    Unity has been sitting on its ass for years doing absolutely nothing in the way of R&D.

    As a result, Unity is now left behind.

    Valve has given up on being an Engine developer.

    Epic with the Unreal Engine will have a monopoly soon if it doesn’t already.

    Anyone attempting to make their own modern game engine these days are way behind the ball. All the big players are switching to Unreal.

    And it’s not only Game Engine, but movie making engine as well.

    The only company I could see that would have the $$$ and talent to compete against Epic for a Graphics Engine would be nVidia.

    AMD doesn’t have the R&D and Scientists specializing in Graphics/Physics/Rendering/Simulation/InformationLoading like nVidia does.
    Valve has the $$$ and talent, but they are focused on hardware now, and are even farther behind than Unity.

    Having a single Game Engine monopoly will be bad for all of us in the end.

    The only Video Game engine that I could see someone develop that could compete against Unreal, is if the engine was built from the ground up 100% focused on anti-cheat. Libraries that are designed from the start to be multiplayer focused with un-necessary data scrubbed properly from the clients so they can’t sniff out data. Something designed to be hack proof.

    That game engine, even if not graphically intense would be highly sought after in a wide genre range of games.