Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2025

  • The brightness is one thing but also the alignment. These people install new headlights or the manufacturers just do not adjust the lights alignment correctly at all.

    I installed entire new headlight assemblies in my car upgrading from weak stock crap bulbs to LEDs with running lights, but I FUCKING ADJUSTED THEM afterwards.

    If I am ~50 feet from a wall there is a hard line where the top of my lights do not shine. That line is purposely placed so it won’t shine until cars in front of me unless I am every far away from them or there is an elevation difference. Sitting behind a car at the lights my lights will cut off generally right below the top of the trunk of most sedan models.

    I have never seen a headlight that could not be adjusted up and down with a little screw. Maybe the newest cars need an app or something stupid but I would be willing to bet they can also be adjusted.

  • Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks to see if some Indian guys would write “heil Hitler” on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did}. He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with like like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him “fully” a year or so after that when he had the “bridge incident”. He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word…sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he “retired” in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as “toxic” to work with.

    I don’t think he’s a bad person, but that’s just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years.

  • Midnight club 3 dub edition was THE game my brother and I played to the point the disk stopped reading eventually. That was a sad day.

    If you’re getting into motorsports in general and you liked rally I might recommend checking out the isle of Mann tt. It’s the single most deadly motorsports event held each year. It averages more than two and a half deaths every year. Last year was super rare in that nobody died. Last time that happened was like 2012 I think. The most insane race car drivers in the world will tell you that nobody is more batshit crazy that the Isle of man riders. Even rally drivers look at them and think they are nuts.

  • Yeah I mentioned that in my other comment. I always test boot my new builds while outside the case with just the CPU installed. I like to make sure it’s posting each time I add new hardware so I can know before I put it all in the case that something is wrong. I have never had a board refuse to post without a cooler or fans connected, but they will give warnings out the wazoo though.

  • Man I used to check if systems would post without a cpu cooler installed at all back in the day. I wouldn’t run it for more than a few seconds but just long enough to make sure it was posting.

    Had a buddy burn his finger pretty good because he wanted to know how hot a cpu would get without a cooler lol. Turns out they get hot enough to burn humans within a couple seconds lol

  • I’ve built a lot of computers in my lifetime and my only guess when reading your post was that somehow one of them was causing a short and that short was somehow preventing the system from successfully posting, but I’m not sure how that would work exactly.

    My level of technical knowledge ends about there. I can troubleshoot and swap hardware all day, but idk how a case fan would cause a system not to boot specifically.

    Unless… Was one of the case fans running from the CPU header for some reason? Maybe the board thought the CPU fan was cooked and it was preventing a boot for safety? I’ve never seen anything like that safety speaking, but I could believe it exists.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldKarma in lemmy?
    14 days ago

    If you need fake Internet points to motivate you to be a good person then you are probably not a good person.

    I’m not saying you specifically OP, but just in general. If karma was the only reason someone was civil on reddit that gives off the same vibes as the people who ask why we aren’t out raping and murdering if we don’t believe in God.

  • You make a good point. The key difference is that some instances block other instances (or at least that has been my understanding of how Lemmy works from my limited time here). So depending on where they sign up they might not even be able to access certain subs.

    Plus the “duplicate” subs on reddit tend to be one of two reasons. The original moderators let the sub die or enough people didn’t get along with how the original sub was being moderated and they left to make their own copy. It’s pretty rare that there are two identical subs that have equal engagement.

  • As someone who is “stuck” here after being permabanned on all accounts on reddit I can say that the number one “issue” Lemmy has is also the greatest part about Lemmy. The fact that every instance can have its own copy of the “same” sub.

    I completely understand why someone coming from reddit is going to search up “ask” and they will see a few ask Lemmy subs coming up. At a glance they won’t know which one is “better” and why there are multiple.

    Sadly most people will turn around and leave at that point. The average internet user will just go somewhere else the moment they feel lost or confused by anything. The few that might stick through it and make a post asking why there are multiple instances of the same type of sub are likely to be spoken down to by a bunch of condescending nerds that feel superior to outsider idiots. I know that many of you are very kind and welcoming, but enough of the user base are elitist pricks about everything that new users will notice immediately.

    Lemmy can’t seem to decide if they want to grow or if they want to gate keep. I think the reality is that as more people are blanket banned from reddit without any reason such as myself that people will keep slowly trickling in.

    The only “change” I think Lemmy needs is its user feedback. I have been banned from so many subs for completely unrelated things and without going and looking up the mod logs for my own name I wouldnt have any clue whatsoever. I would just think that Lemmy was broken constantly since it just gives you submitting errors instead of telling you that you have been banned or anything.

    The “automod” messages are basically useless as they don’t tell you what rule you broke, which comment it was specifically or who actually initiated the ban. I know they aren’t always actually “automatic” bans because I have gotten messages from automod for comments I left weeks ago. So either they are the slowest and least attentive bots on planet earth or the mods of those subs are using the automod to hide behind as a layer of anonymity.