Is linux becoming this popular, or is this a one-off incident?
Definitely a one off thing case here. Last week he was on mint and now on arch with hyprland already. He doesn’t upload that much so he’s probably experimenting a lot.
I see, yeah it didn’t feel like linux would be popular enough to be on the radar.
I agree. Wish youtubers like Drew Gooden and Danny Gonzalez try linux. They have been extremely critical of modern tech and are very popular among non tech-savvy millennial audience.
It’s certainly been gaining some momentum lately. Just within the past year I saw this channel coming out of nowhere with some videos about Linux, this famous animator finally getting rid of Windows and Adobe and also this guy talking about it.
why does his status bar look better than mine :(
This is so irrelevant to me. To be honest I never watched a single video of this person.
I wonder if he’ll make a video (if he hasn’t already) on why he chose to switch to Linux; I’m quite interested to hear what made him decide to switch, and I’m also very interested to hear what issues, if any, he encountered along the way.
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Hyperland and arch? Not what I expected
Why should I care?
Do whatever you want bro, Im not your fucking mom
“I had to reinstall” in 3… 2… 1…
Fuck this nazi.
I may not be entirely up to date but why pewdiepie is nazi
i have the same question
If only there were some way to search the internet for info. 🤔
You all are still on that train from 2017?
Do you think disliking nazis was something we were supposed to stop doing at some point?
Disliking actual Nazis, instead of wasting your anger on this guy. He’s just used to be edgy. Not to mention he’s not even edgy anymore. He’s actually a pretty cool guy.
“He’s actually a pretty cool guy.”
Parasocial relationship much?
maybe one time is fine. this dude did it again and again. you can only go “oops I accidentally nazi’d” so many times. plus even if you’re not a so-called “actual nazi” there’s not much distinction in why exactly you use your platform to push or normalize nazism. I don’t give a fuck what’s in your heart; ironically fucking a goat is still fucking a goat.
That’s why I fuck goats unironically, so there’s no question about my intentions
that’s more respectable than nazis hiding behind jokes
revealing much more than you meant to by insinuating that opposition to fascism is a trend line you hope to be on the edgiest side of.
Enjoy your downvotes.
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Who cares what a Nazi uses?
Care to elaborate? I’m not updated to PewDiePie’s stuff anymore. I’m living under the fucking rock.
He had a bunch of “Haha, I’m just being a nazi ironically and what even is a nazi, this symbol has lots of other historical usages” incidents, such as paying a foreigner to yell “death to jews” and doing a video where he was wearing a shirt with an iron cross on the collar.
He also followed a bunch of white-supremacist accounts (source) and then cried crocodile tears after getting called out
How many years ago was that. It sounds like he apologized and has taken a long break from YouTube and yet here come a bunch of actual screeching fascist saying, “Gross that he uses Linux! Arch is now NaziOS & we want to see him publicly executed still!”
“Fascist hate speech and platforming fascists and inspiring fascist violence doesn’t make you a Nazi, calling people out for it does!”
Nobody wants s calling for him to be executed, we just don’t like or support him and are voicing that.
He can apologize all he wants, it won’t change his actions.
Then what is the point on apologising and changing your ways?
What exactly has he done to atone? Simply not saying slurs or making Nazi jokes anymore isn’t enough, that’s the bare minimum.
The point of apologizing and changing your ways is to grow as a person and not cause harm, not to get people to like you.
Sure I stabbed you, but I apologized. No I’m not going to pull the knife out or fix the damage, but I’ve stopped pushing it in further.
Fascism is when you don’t engage with nazis and tell others not to engage with nazis.
No fascism is when you’re against free speech & constantly advocating violence against non-violent people who have exercised free speech, and then when someone does apologize for speech you didn’t like then 5 years later you’re still trying to censor those people.
Freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences. If people choose not to associate with you because you support & attempt to normalize a movement that has historically committed mass genocide, or - god forbid - they speak negatively about you in an internet forum 5 years down the line, those people are just exercising their free speech.
Violence against nazis is good. If you are using your massive platform to normalize nazism, free speech doesn’t apply to you and you should be censored. You don’t beat nazis be engaging with them in the marketplace of ideas.
This conversation tells me he hasn’t done enough to tell the nazis and their defenders in his audience to fuck off, and without action his apology is worth fuckall.
Wasn’t he hacked?
oh great, Linux certainly needs a nazi seal of approval
You are a griefer.
woah what
Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks to see if some Indian guys would write “heil Hitler” on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did}. He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with like like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him “fully” a year or so after that when he had the “bridge incident”. He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word…sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he “retired” in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as “toxic” to work with.
I don’t think he’s a bad person, but that’s just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years.
people here really hate him for something I see in the average TF2 lobby. Also to me it seems like he has taken responsibility and grown from it 🤷♀️
Impossible. You know damn well people on the internet can’t change.
Ivkenz I understand being mad at him for sure. It’s they staying mad at him forever that I don’t understand. People make mistakes. People change. He didn’t do anything worse than 90% of the guys I knew in highschool at some point. You grow up and you learn that behavior isn’t correct.
Changing is insufficient. Apologizing is only sometimes sufficient.
Sometimes to undo damage you need to actively push against the thing you did.
You don’t just say “sorry I said the N word, that was bad”. You educate people on why it’s not ok to say and call out others who say it. You put in the effort to make things better, not just good enough.
This is a bad take.
Apologizing alone is insufficient always. Apologies are empty without action. Changing alone is sometimes sufficient. Not everything needs to be a spectacle all the time. For public figures, though, this is insufficient. Apologizing + changing is perfectly sufficient. With this, you have explained that you know what you did is wrong, and that you no longer stand behind the actions you took in the past. You prove this is true by changing your behaviour.
Expecting someone to become an educator on why people should never make the mistakes you did is unreasonable.
Pewdiepie specifically has made multiple videos/statements on why he should never have done the things he did, explaining why it wasn’t okay. He has shown to be remorseful for his actions, and hasn’t made anywhere close to the same mistakes in years.
To be fair, I get you not wanting to support him personally. I think it’s harsh, but as a public figure the decisions a person makes have larger consequences than a normal person. However, I don’t think it makes sense to call him a nazi, or even a racist. It simply isn’t true at this point.
People can change. I’m sure there is something you have said in the past that you no longer agree with, and if everyone held it against you for the rest of your life you wouldn’t think it were fair.
If you don’t think people can change, and will hold a mistake someone made against them forever, even if they have apologized and changed, then I’m sorry, but based on your behaviour, I’d say you are a worse person then they are.
what the other guy said barely scratches the surface. he did so many things, shouting out a straight up neonazi propaganda channel as one of his favorites was one of them. he’s a pussy too, he always has this plausible deniability shit ready to go. but that only works if you’re stupid. you can “accidentally” do nazi shit only so many times before people catch on.
[…] [he shouted] out a straight up neonazi propaganda channel as one of his favorites […]
Do you have a source?
I did nazi that one coming…