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I don’t pre-order anything really but I always buy the games on release without any second thoughts. Xenoblade Chronicles, The Legend of Zelda and Professor Layton are the three series where I am always super confident I’ll enjoy the latest installment.
XC is one of a very small number of series that I will still preorder. I never owned a Wii U, so I never got to play this game. I’m so excited!!!
I was just about to start the WiiU version right as the announcement dropped, so i’m super excited to play it once i finish the 3 expansion
Same. Except I haven’t played Future Redeemed yet, so not going to get it before I play that.
I don’t pre-order anything really but I always buy the games on release without any second thoughts. Xenoblade Chronicles, The Legend of Zelda and Professor Layton are the three series where I am always super confident I’ll enjoy the latest installment.