My question to you guys here is :

Do you like watching South Park? If not, why?

I understand that the jokes in it can rub a lot of people the wrong way especially when they make fun of religious groups, race and current day first world problems.

Personally I’ve enjoyed the show ever since I watched earlier seasons on DVD years ago. I just find the humor and some of the moments give you that shock kind of laughter “They really put that in there??”

So what’s your view? Do you watch it? Do you hate it? You thought of watching it?

Let me know!

    6 days ago

    (You should change your title to be the question)

    I personally love it. It’s not the cleanest of humor, but it’s just a pure satire of our society, and I love it. The show has changed as it’s aged, it goes up and down, but I love how they’re not afraid to call out bullshit we put up with. Season… 22 how every scene starting on the school had gunshots and children screaming? Hilarious to me, because it’s so ridiculous how we just put up with school shootings. It’s outrageous, and it’s meant to offend, and idk I just appreciate it.

    When everyone else is trying to appease corporate committees and shareholders, Southpark just says fuck it and writes what they want.