Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I use Linux…no wait, Just because I use Linux doesn’t make me…well I am gay but…dammit!
I’m not gay but I certainly talk about femboys a lot more than I used to.
I was coerced
Same here
What Linux does to a mf
I love this little fish, it’s so cute.
Mine now
Famously Gay Creature:
Oh hey, you like Linux?
Some people here:
Stay back foul incubus! My faith in my heterosexuality shall protect me from your wily charms! Stand down, beast, for I invoke the word of cringe!
Meanwhile, my gay ass is just sitting here thinking about a chubby bearded nerd with a kind face, and how nice it would be to cuddle together under a blanket and watch an underpowered laptop compile Gentoo.
Oh, and give me a cat to pet too.
So, so gay.
I mean to be fair it’s pretty hard to say that with a raging boner
Shit my photo leaked
What the fuck has this to do with linux? Besides the word linux is in it?
First furries, now cbt; this post is getting kinky.
This is where the fun begins!
Because i don’t think your post makes sense in the context of linuxmemes you think i am offended? :D
No, but you seem offended by me not giving you praise for this…i still don’t know what this is supposed to mean.
You could have explained it but instead you jump to conclusions and dissmiss it to save your fragile ego.
Lmao I just wanted to put the “our orangutans have guns, why? Funy” meme as an answer but couldn’t find it so I just put the second best thing.
Furry linux users thinking people will also like furry if they put linux in it.
The venn diagram of linux admins and furries is troublingly circular
Because all Linux users are weebs, naturally.
ever heard of memes?
order in the court! answer the question: do you like using linux ( :3 )?
Depends on if i want to tinker or get something done.
But mostly yes. What about you?
They asked if you like using Linux not which distro smh.
Seems like i got under your skin :D
I didn’t say anything about a distro but you coming after me for something that didn’t happen is pretty telling. Take your meds because you are embarrassing yourself.
Ok first of all you can’t tell me what to do you’re not my mom and even if you are first of all HI mom, love you and second of all I’m not taking my meds 😡😡😡
And second second of all you implied linux is not easy to setup as if Hanna Montana Linux was so hard to setup and that all linux distros operate like gentoo or something.
Lastly, I have depicted you as the soyjack.
Agreed. This is nonsense.
Nothing against this, it takes all sorts and stuff you know.
But in my day Linux users were either smug greybeards or nerds with glasses thick like the undersides of bottles.
But you do you, internet! Ä
Yeah so there are still young nerds, they’re just all trans women now.
Isn’t trans a sort of open source tinkering with the biological systems you own?
Runtime patching if you will
That’s actually fitting, because linux is all about choice, freedom and individuality. I like it.
The people who are into this were always there amongst the nerds. They just never spoke up out of fear and social ostracism.
Furrys are not a new “Internet” thing, the fandom has been active since like, the 70s when it branched off other fantasy fandoms. It was all started by a small group of people going to scifi cons.
they are just memeing
The greybeards are the Linux-Boomers now, the nerds with glasses became the new greybeards and trans people, gays, furrys and femboys are the new nerds with glasses. The circle seems to close.
LANG=en_US.UTF-8, do you speak it?
Can not compute
I like using Linux as much as I like using subs
Now I would like to know how many Linux users are Doms and how many are subs. I mean a lot of Linux user like the control over the system.
I volunteer to find out
Out of curiosity, do you want to run a survey? Or is that a joke about helping people to figure out what they are by doing it?
subway blushing u-use my toasted meatball marinara
I will use your meatballs, rest assured
Yes 🥺
That’s how it all starts. First, you just find anthropomorphic characters “hot”. Next, you realize you were gay all along. Everything afterwards happens in a flash. Before you know it, you’ve picked a side in the systemd wars, you swear by ZFS, have memorized
ESC :q!
by heart and changed your 'sona into a FOSSaBut but I swear by ZFS… Am I??? No… Impossible.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Me going to the furrrycons with a Tuxsuit instead of a fursuit
You like kissing penguins don’t you
Your honor it looked human to me ill like to call a filibuster
I’m a Linux user and trans but I’m not a furry.
I am only a Linux user. I don’t feel trans, nor am I a furry. Could you become a furry for me to average me out? Thanks!
Gods damnit … I’m a furry now. Thanks Obama.
Thanks that you take one for the team. If we ever meet, I owe you a sandwich.
How can you tell?
I like Linux. I am not gay, not trans, not furry, and I absolutely hate the shit out of anime/manga/anything in that shit art style. I have a wife and kids.
Idk how to fit in; I’m immune to linux side effects somehow.
Sounds like serious insecurity. A lot of these memes are more along the lines of queer folk finding an accepting community and having fun posting things that would normally result in cyber bullying.
Also the boykisser thing has always just been a joke. Don’t take it as an insult or something.
No it’s lack of delineation.
I want linux memes about linux. Period. When I come to Lemmy I don’t want sports, I don’t want yiff, I don’t want anime, I don’t want social issues, I’m here for the linux.
I’m glad people are finding a place, but I’m not sorry if internet snark is just too much to handle when it looks off topic.
All these are just silly stereotypes that almost nobody fits into.
Most people in the Linux community are none of the above.
Get an old Thinkpad, the cheaper and the more beat up it is the better, as long as it functions. Flash Libreboot on it and get really into open source software, and I mean REALLY into it. Use that as your daily driver and only use open source software no matter how inconvenient. That’s one way you can still fit in with the Linux crowd.
Maybe your wife is gay
That’s a crusty image you got there
Why throw anime/manga into this same pot? That’s like saying you don’t like movies with real actors as a medium.
Because people with no interest in anime see it as a monolithic genre defined by the unbelievable wasterfall of fanservice isekai drivel. Pretty much all forms of animation still bear the burden of being seen as a genre within a medium rather than a medium themselves.
In all fairness, it’s is way too fucking common to start an anime and be like “oh shit this is pretty deep” and then episode three diverges into very uncomfortable underage stepsister beach episode filler.
Yeah that happens. I don’t like it too, it’s lazy writing at least.
Can you identify it stylistically? If I showed you Up and cowboy bebop screenshots could you tell which one was of Japanese origin and which was Pixar animation?
If there were various Simpsons style comics and tv shows but you don’t like that animation style, would it be fair to lump them together?
I don’t want it and I think it’s off-putting to see rices of Linux that by and large feature waifu trash backgrounds, but that’s me. I don’t like the visuals and I find the translated dialogue to be both simplistic and hyperbolic as a generality.
Can you identify it stylistically?
Probably not 100% of the time, but yeah. Most times, it’s identifiable.
If there were various Simpsons style comics and tv shows but you don’t like that animation style, would it be fair to lump them together?
I think this doesn’t work. First of all is anime filled with many different styles, but also a much broader field than stuff that looks like the Simpsons. Also, if something is animated similarly to the Simpsons, that does not really say anything about it’s content, just a medium again.
I don’t want it and I think it’s off-putting to see rices of Linux that by and large feature waifu trash backgrounds, but that’s me. I don’t like the visuals and I find the translated dialogue to be both simplistic and hyperbolic as a generality.
That’s totally alright, you don’t need to like it. But you also shouldn’t be putting it down generally. “I don’t like anime” is alright, a statement of opinion, but saying “I absolutely hate anime/manga” is just offensive. Feel free not to like and avoid it, but why hate an animation style that is loved by many.
I personally don’t watch that much anime and don’t read manga at all, but still, there are some diamonds there. It actually made me learn Japanese, and I’m still going strong after 10 Months. Anime gives me and many others comfort and entertainment, sometimes with the ability to break the everyday.
Btw to talk some more about Linux stuff, fcitx5 is pretty amazing. Typing the thousands of Japanese/Chinese and other characters is no easy feat to integrate well I assume, but combined with anthy or mozc it gets the job done really well.
“I hate” is also an opinion. I absolutely do hate it, and I hate the subculture it inspires. I find it all massively cringe. But that is just me and if you love it then you do you. I’m just a random internet stranger to you.
Sure hate is an opinion, but an extreme one. And history tells countless stories on how that’s bad.
Yet somehow you sound incredibly immature. Would hate having to deal with you IRL.
And you sound like a cockhole so I’m also glad.
A cockwomble
This post is what made me unsubscribe from this community.
yes, oni-chan