• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Eh, no use crying over spilt milk, youre here now. :) Linux is still stuck in a weird cultural hole, its not your fault it took a while.

    Ive always been familiar but a daily driver of windows. I started self hosting a year or two ago, and recently switched my office PC to Linux with a secondary win partition. Ive just never had issues with windows but I’m pretty tired of what they’ve been up too lately so for me it was time. Whenever I get around to grabbing another m.2 for my living room rig I’ll do the same for it.

  • Or do you mean they should shrink, fire people, and downscale

    I reckon I do. Google is like 80% of their funding or some shit, which hinders other search products while affecting user experience in other ways as well due to their influence. If they reined in the scope of their product, they could work on a lower budget which might allow them to work towards breaking free of that oversight. As I mentioned, I don’t think most Firefox users want half this crap they’re working on anyway, but they’re caught in the tech “infinite growth” loop where they ““have”” to crank out bs features or else be considered irrelevant.

    Just make a solid browser, work in solid mod support so I can make it my own, and maintain it. I have my own tools to use instead of pocket and whatever else, I don’t need Mozilla to do that.

    In terms of workers being let go, if they scale back they can at least let people go in a respectful manner instead of them just showing up to a sign on the door lol.

  • You CAN take steps to limit your exposure in varying levels of effort, the problem is a lot of that means “not using the thing” (ie gmail, Facebook, etc) and most people are not about that life, gripe as they might.

    I’ve paid for private email hosting for over 5 years, run grapheneOS on my phone, my fb is deactivated with messenger having limited perms on my phone and kept in an isolated container on desktop, self host a number of services like password management and storage - etc etc.

    Am I safe from big tech? Not completely. There’s still 1000 ways your business gets out and about, and on desktop I still use YouTube logged in and all (no yt on phone though.) They’re still only getting a small fraction from me compared to other people though.