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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It was good fun. I enjoyed the whimsical and trippy bits with the flower you could get in each level… and how the game mechanics changed each time.

    Whether or not it deserves a series though??? I don’t really think so. These smaller Mario games like Wonder, 3D World, Bowser’s Fury, and New Super Mario Bros U to me are nice little appetizers between bigger 3D open world adventures like Odyssey and Galaxy. More than anything, I’d love love love LOVE to see a sequel of some sort for Odyssey or at least a few DLC worlds. But with Mario Wonder just releasing, and getting a Mario movie, I don’t think we’re going to see another major open world Mario game until the Switch’s successor releases.

    I liked Wonder; I liked the movie; but if given the choice, 10 times out of 10 I’d choose even DLC for Odyssey over either of them… Wonder and the Movie were fun. Odyssey was pure joy. It’s been a looooong time since a video game made me unconsciously smile for as long as Odyssey did.

  • It’s less about having one physical charger and more about having one charging cable standard so you’re not wanting for one cable when you mistakenly grabbed another…. You can have 50 charging cables and 50 bricks for all 50 of your devices if you’d like. The convenience comes with the fact that they all take the same connector. Standardization simplifies life and actually will make upgrading cheaper because you’re not locked into a proprietary standard.

    I can completely empathize with not wanting to update all of your chargers, but as someone who has recently gone through part of it, I’m 110% onboard with everything being unified like this.