I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
You can’t request media?
They are just capitalist with some welfare, nothing left-wing about them
I actively used to distro-hop multiple times a day, I would have my steam library on an external hard disk and I was like “I’ll use arch in the morning and Gentoo later”
Basically this, this is why I don’t use Instagram or shot like that, it’s not truly social
They mean free as in freedom, not free as in beer
Free software generally refers to open source software, who’s code you can view and edit yourself
Ita not that hard to make one, it’s p simple
Go blow myself up at some politician
Second season wasn’t the best
! Viktor literally wanted to make an utopia, and he is a villian? !<
.bg? There are bulgarian intances?
Yea but it drains my battery
Probably about my pets
Now I’m gonna start playing rivals just because of this, kudos to them
NixOS is really good
Why not caddy?
Probably a big chunk, thats why i left
Why would you want that?
Better for my data to be in China than in the US