Seriously? If you haven’t see the ending of the first season by now you don’t get to complain about spoilers.
Seriously? If you haven’t see the ending of the first season by now you don’t get to complain about spoilers.
I imagine Unreal Engine is likely what keeps that store open. That and Fortnite.
Now frot
Ohhh thank you for this. Mildly reminds me of the Stronghold games which I used to love.
So why not renew the license?
Even if true, it’s a convenient excuse to convert to a rolling subscription service. Enshittificarion continues.
Because it just isn’t selling enough games apparently.
Honestly this is it.
AAA gaming does not equal good gaming, just bolted, expensive gaming.
Christians may be a majority. But extremist Christians with desires on invading privacy and enforcing their religion on others are a minority.
You cannot teach an extremist to value an education when education destroys extremism.
At a certain point people have to be simply told they are wrong and made to acquiesce to the will of the majority. This is one of those instances.
Well. That’s a wholly different picture than the word itself paints.
It’s almost sad, as anarchist has such a negative connotation that, to me, it feels what you’re describing may deserve a new name to relieve it of the baggage associated with the name. It will be awfully hard to get people to listen in America when it’s so saturated with the idea that anarchism is, well… anarchic, ungoverned chaos.
As a leftist/liberal who doesn’t know too much about polsci, how would anarchism function on a grand scale? Genuine curiosity.
As if they even take time to view or utilize those reports. It has always taken a Twitter campaign to get YouTube to even notice an issue with the algorithm.
Get fucked, you could have use critical thinking to develop your opinion or not been a prick
So does that mean all these businesses were always doomed to fail anyways, just living on borrowed money/time, and now the bill comes due, they’re all fucked?
The only thing I know about this game is it has massive kaiju-style fights, and a bunch of kingdoms locked in a GoT style conflict. That’s enough to get me interested but it’s also all I know even this many months after launch and after watching both the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer.
That’s… not good.
I miss Rojom’s art on r/imsorryjon. Was always some of my favorite.
I know most if not all of the cast of Critical Role (who are voice actors for many video games) are members. Ashley Johnson is the voice of Ellie for TLoU, so if they’re working on TLoU3, they’ll likely have to delay it.
I would assume because at that point you have a PC.
Hm, does Voyager have his blessing for being so similar to Apollo I wonder?