This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
The latest version of iOS changes the words if you have spellcheck on. I think it underlines the misspelled words if you have spellcheck off.
Same for me. 650 hours in I’ve got the platinum trophy and golden dice and I started a new character yesterday (gith paladin) because there is still stuff i havent seen.
What parts are you having trouble with? The game has a serious learning curve but once you’ve got a full campaign under your belt it gets way easier. Try doing a run as a paladin or sorcerer (melee or caster) on explorer mode. Those two classes will be good for combat and dialog making your run easier. Also research how to create a proper character. The earliest levels are the hardest to get through since you’re super weak at those levels.
I’m guessing it’s Lady Ballers since someone else mentioned it was pinned on IPT and I looked up all the movies to see if any were controversial. Here is a quote from newsweek about Lady Ballers:
In the lower city there is a clothing store. They sell an outfit called Angelic Scion. It’s basically a loin cloth and some gold arm bangles. Sounds like the perfect clothes for your golden god of fists.
Here is a screenshot of it on Astarion and Shadowheart
Yeah, pigs don’t like to be corrected. Or made to look like they don’t know what they’re doing.
Those plates are replaceable plus this looks cool.
Is the community going to be nice to English speaking people or are they going to pull the usual French snobbery?
Plus for those few occasions when you need to search Wikipedia it’s like a swipe and a tap to re-enable Wi-Fi.
Hilarious is one word I wouldn’t use to describe a company offloading their AI training to users.
There’s vomit in this cron job already
You seem to be lacking Baldur’s Gate 3 and that makes me sad. But congrats on the new device!
Hand starts shaking when he can’t update once an hour.
Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man.
How some people are in comments. Always gotta get that one last comment in the chain in.
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Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.