• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • Time for a lawsuit.

    Since the presence of a TV in your house is a commercial benefit for the companies who make them, AND you do not actually have control over them, it is clear that the ‘sales contract’ was fraudulent and part of a bad-faith act on the manufacturers’ part.

    So I say a class-action lawsuit is in order: Each person who bought (say) an LG TV gets back 100% of their purchase price, plus some reimbursement for being spied on - probably a per-month amount. Then LG has to pay a punitive fee on top of their payouts to customers.

    I know that everyone is screaming “that will never work!” and “They’ll go bankrupt!” I don’t care - SOMETHING has to change to remind these evil fuckers that they need our business, or the abuse will just ramp up.

    Bankrupt them all. Tear down the entire industry. Tear down the entire economy and start again from scratch if that’s what it takes.

    If they can’t be reined in legally, then it will happen illegally - and probably violently.

  • So many…

    • loading (from cassette!) and playing Adventure on a PET 4008. It was breathtaking! The first truly immersive gaming experience.
    • Wolf 3D on my first x86 machine. I hooked up the modem from my old Atari 400, and went looking for shareware. I had no idea what I was in for.
    • DOOM! I spent all bloody day trying to download the two shareware floppy images on the University campus, and a few hours tweaking the boot disk to get it running. Then the game started, and I played until I had to go to work the next morning.
    • Crying at the end of Grim Fandango. I play the game through every year or so, and my eyes still water up at the end.
    • Dark Age of Camelot - my first MMORPG. Hundreds of people in guilds and armies, organizing in real-time. It was fantastic. (until the script kiddies took over)

  • I’d qualify that as for-profit mandatory insurance.

    Canpt get a mortgage without home insurance. Canpt drive a vehicle without at least liability. Those rates should be strictly government regulated to be sustainable and non-profit.

    But if you want to insure your collection if priceless Whitworth wrenches, well maybe I care a bit (Just a bit!) less about insurance gouging.

  • Morrowind was bundled with a video card I got, and thought I’d at least try it. I had no idea what it was or how it worked, and I fell headfirst into it. WEEKS thrown at it, and I never got bored.

    After that, Oblivion was a letdown for me and I didn’t get very far into it. Skyrim was great fun, but the lore was clearly secondary. (I eventually went back to Oblivion and found it a better story than Skyrim, but Morrowind is still the best.)