Hi there! I’m just a guy looking for a place to be and stuff.
“Please count to 10.”
“… um, I’ve run out of fingers.”
cries in broadcom wireless card not supported
I can’t remember which model it was, but wasn’t there a MacBook Pro that had 4 USB-C ports, only two of which supported Thunderbolt? Want to connect your monitor to the right side of the machine? Well… tough shit, I guess.
Disaster recovery? I think you mean “a good excuse to begin a new life somewhere else!”
“Oh good, I found a program that does exactly what I need, now I just need to add this weird-ass, mysterious repository…”
Apple’s support site has a few articles that you might find helpful. A good one to start with is “What’s it called on my Mac?” which matches Windows terminology with its comparable Mac version. Another one is “Mac tips for Windows switchers” which outlines the Mac OS way to perform common tasks. But if you poke around, you can find a bunch of interesting stuff to check out.
I’m interested enough in this game to pick it up when it comes out, but I have to admit that I didn’t finish the first one. I liked it well enough, but my interest in it just petered out over time, and at some point, I just never came back to it. I hope that “i” will be a little more compelling. Either that, or I hope my attention span has increased over the last ten years!