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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2024


  • True. And the nepo-babies that lead these corporations are making millions off dollars each year simply by showing up to work.
    Switching over to electric vehicles is inevitable. But who’s going to do that work and take that risk? What if they screw up? Ain’t no nepo-baby gonna screw up that cash cow. They’re going to continue showing up to work every day, sucking up the income and when the end of gasoline happens, they’ll throw up their hands and say, “No one could have seen that coming.”

    (To be fair, it’s not just management. There are tons of people at every level who don’t want to risk losing their job with an uncertain outcome over just showing up to work every day and doing the same job they already know. But it’s the “leadership’s” job to do that anyway for the long-term health of the company.)

  • Talking about energy wastage, next time you’re walking around commercial buildings, pay attention to how many lights are on during the middle of the day.

    Drove by a closed car lot the other day. The place has been abandoned for months. Weeds growing up everywhere. The entire lot is fenced off getting ready for demolition.
    The only building on the lot is small and completely surrounded by glass walls, so you can see right through it. The red neon around the outside of the building is still on 24 hours.

  • One of the main “brag points” in Apple’s internal “what makes Apple Apple” training was about how Steve swooped in and vastly simplified a very overfull and muddied line of Apple products when he returned.

    It was a big talking point about how Steve greatly reduced the number of products to make it simpler to build, stock and sell.
    This would tend to indicate that Apple is moving further away from Job’s simplicity.

  • Big endiant is great for intellisense to quickly browse possibilities, since it groups it all in the same place.

    If only someone would train a program… we could call it a Large Language Model… to knowingly group the names together so we wouldn’t have to choose between human-readable format or dB format.

    Guess that will never happen because instead we’re stuck using “AI’s” to inflate stock prices instead. /s

    I remember seeing a proposed language that would allow each programmer to choose what name to use for each item. Don’t like ‘open_file’? Choose to see it as ‘file_open’ every time you review the file in the future.

    While we battle with each other endlessly, we keep forgetting that the computer doesn’t care.

  • sudo42@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSeriously, WTF is up with that?
    1 month ago

    Not an expert nor a historian, but my understanding is that ‘find’ goes back a long way (*nix has been around a while).

    Earlier commands such as find were created back before a lot of command/option syntax forms we know today were agreed to and standardized.

    Since ‘find’ has been around so long, we’ve just suffered its non-standard syntax rather than risk the chaos that would be unleashed by trying to fix it.

    If it makes you feel better, you can console yourself that you’re using one of the more arcane incantations of the elder *nix wizards.

  • That article starts out describing criticism of the ad, then turns into an ad for the new iPad. Almost makes me wonder if Apple isn’t paying for this article to be run…

    “ The new iPad Pro will include a high-quality OLED display for the first time, as well as Apple’s new, own-made, top-of-the-range M4 chip, which the company says means the new devices are 50% faster than the previous generation and ten-times faster than the original iPad Pro model.

    Apple senior vice president of hardware engineering, John Ternus, said the new Pro “pioneers our most advanced technologies, and pushes the limits of what an iPad can be”, adding that the new device was the “iPad we’ve always dreamed of making”.