• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023


  • I used to justify it with “I’ve had a shit day, I deserve to be able to have something for the convenience” - not to mention, I don’t have a car so realistically it was “Do I want fast food or not”.

    Then I started to realize that every day tends to be a bad day for me, due to a multitude of reasons. I live paycheck to paycheck (which is why I don’t have a car in the first place) and the amount I was spending on takeout was way too high.

    Now the only time I do so is on Fridays because my workplace lets us spend $25 on their tab just for joining the weekly staff meeting. Aside from that, I might order a takeout once, maybe even twice, during a pay period as a “congrats for making it through last month” but I’d like to even stop doing that ideally.

  • They might’ve done so out of necessity. I don’t know if the dev(s) of the Simple Tools apps were working on it full time, but if they were and just not enough contributions were coming in from it… Well everyone has to eat.

    As the saying goes, “everyone has their price”. It’s easy to condemn the developers for their choice until you’re in the exact same scenario as they were. Whether that’s because they were starving, or even just offered enough money to make their lives a lot easier - not too many people would turn it down.

  • This bug was the nail in the coffin on Nvidia for me and I finally picked up a 6700 XT to replace my 2080 this month…

    But, when I was on my 2080 trying out Wayland, I of course always noticed this bug on actual apps themselves (such as my IDE…) but it didn’t always manifest in games, at least not till 545 came out.

    Not sure why, since of course most games are run through XWayland. Perhaps they’re in a similar situation and I’d be curious if they opened something like Discord, if they saw it there.

  • Ah I see, that’s unfortunate then. For what its worth, I still think the bot is a great idea for discoverability and bridging the two services together! I hadn’t seen it before since I usually have bot users muted and happened to see this comment chain while logged out.

    I’ve given it a follow from my Mastodon account since I do tend to miss quite a few cool Lemmy posts it seems, and I think it’ll help me find some communities in general that I’ll want to subscribe to from over here.

  • Just curiosity really, it was when I first started learning Java from my father’s old textbook. The “Getting your environment setup” had instructions for both Windows, OS X, and Linux/Ubuntu.

    Of them all, the instructions for Ubuntu were the simplest (sudo apt-get install openjdk or a similar package), in order to get the Java dev tools installed.

    Ended up giving Ubuntu a look in a VM since I hadn’t heard of “Linux/Ubuntu” (which was also the first time I used a VM) during the 8.04 days!

    Funnily enough I actually put Java down for a bit since I just couldn’t get into it. IIRC though, my first project on my GitHub had something to do with Python+GTK. Then eventually I got back into Java when I discovered I could make Minecraft plugins/mods.

    Of course I was pretty young at the time, maybe 13 or 14? So I didn’t know (or would’ve cared) about the whole privacy aspect of Linux - that came much later. But ever since then, like many others, I’ve always maintained that Linux is the best development environment for me.

  • out of the box isn’t enough for a new distro.

    I’m a bit surprised that they mentioned “distribution” on the Bluefin website, as the Universal Blue site (the base project behind Bluefin) explicitly mentions not being a distro - and I know that Jorge tends to be very clear that they’re not building a distro:

    This isn’t a distribution, you can always rebase back to Fedora without reinstalling. This is a unique relationship between upstream and downstream that is popular in cloud, but still new to the Linux desktop. “Custom images” seems to be a decent place to start since that’s what people call them in cloud.