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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • That’s not the case, you just need to be able to make an outbound connection.

    The minutiae of how certbot works or if that specific person actually did it right or wrong is kind of aside the point of my “intended to be funny but seemingly was not” comment about how sometimes the easiest solution to implement is the one you remember, even if it’s overkill for the immediate problem.

  • This is confusing to me, because the point of the request seems to be “get a certificate”, not “get a self signed certificate generated by running the openssl command”. If you know how to get the result, it doesn’t really matter if you remembered offhand the shitty way or the overkill way.

    Is it really more helpful to say “I remember how to do this, but let me lookup a different way that doesn’t use the tools I’m familiar with”?

  • Do you think that, in this example, using certbot is fucking shit up, or breaking something?

    The thing about overkill is that it does work. If you’re accustomed to using a solution in a professional setting, it’s probably both overkill and also vastly more familiar than the bare minimum required for a class project that would be entirely unacceptable in a professional setting.

    In OPs anecdote, they did get their certificates, so I don’t quite see your “intentionally fucking things up” claim as what’s happening.

  • I’ll be honest, I’ve had times where there’s the “simple” solution, and “the solution I remember off the top of my head”, and 10/10 the one that’s happening is the one that I remember because I just did it last week.

    I have no desire to google the arguments for self signing a cert with openssl, and I cannot remember which webserver wants the cabundle and the public cert in the same file. If I had done it even kinda recently I’d still remember what to poke in the certbot config.

  • It would be!

    The big issue would be getting game developers onboard. The service valve provides is both to developers and to consumers.
    The appeal to developers is that they can toss the game on steam and valve will manage putting it in front of players and getting them to buy it, and all the associated payment processing that entails.
    Developers like steam because it has all the users and does a good job of “based on your games, buy these too”.
    Users like it because it has all the games, installation is inevitably trivial, and it does a good job offering them games they could plausibly like, often on sale, and there’s a feeling of platform security: valve won’t screw you over.

    Any new distribution system will have a tough time breaking in. Just look at the difficulties epic has had despite giving away games constantly and offering extremely generous developer revenue shares.
    Valve aimed to make steam $30-60 dollars more convenient than piracy, and that seems to extend to other forms of free as well.

    First step is figuring out secure decentralized credit card payments. 😊

  • Humans.

    We can be “not at sea” and still kill sea life, but dolphins can’t get on land.
    We’re currently trying not to kill sea life and doing a pretty poor job of it. If we were trying we could do a number on marine mammals just by having the navy use their crazy powerful sonar all the time, instead of “minimally”.
    “Ah, you’re trying to boop my ship. Have you considered having your inner ear destroyed so you can’t tell up from down, use echolocation, or communicate, resulting in a horrible death by drowning or beaching?”

    Humor of it aside, the emu was was an attempt to kill the emus eating farmers crops where they used military resources to try to do pest control for people given vaguely subpar farmland. Turns out that stationary machine guns are not the best way to kill emus. After a few attempts only killed a couple thousand, they switched back to just having hunters do it and that got tens of thousands.
    Later, they just used “fences”, which proved insurmountable to the emus, which were forced to just walk around the farms instead of cutting through.

  • Well, I’ll disagree a bit there. The largest stock investors are institutional investors managing funds on behalf of retirement plans. Those investors tend to prefer consistent long term growth over a narrow quarterly growth target, and will actually look at things beyond just stock price, like strategy and long term market prospects.

    Short term thinking from the leadership team is them not having a good idea on how to provide the long term strategy that investors prefer, and instead hoping to appeal to the smaller group of investors who do only care about short term growth so they can secure their own payoff, potentially at the expense of the long term prospects of the company.

    Valve is a corporation. They have shareholders other than Gabe, many of whom are not employed at valve of in their leadership team. Their leadership team isn’t looking to ensure that their paycheck comes in over the future of the company, so they make good choices.
    Compare with companies like Coca-Cola, which are publicly traded but have that long term plan that lets them openly talk about sacrificing revenue to pursue product plans and market growth that leads to more stable long term profits.

  • My guess is that it’s not “the standard” for managing file ownership stuff, since it doesn’t manage ownership. As a result, they’re shown less often in tutorials and tool output.
    The ownership semantics still needs to exist and get managed, and so a lot of less sophisticated software will just check ownership, not it’s actual ability to access.

    Tools and capabilities come quick, but the ecosystem as a whole moves glacially slow. Often that’s good, because it means user land APIs and programs don’t often just fail for no good reason, which creates the stability that makes it popular and useful. It also makes it painful to get “new stuff” into widespread use, where “new” means less than 30 years old.
    You see the same thing with selinux. It’s fine now! But it’s still scary. And we’ll finally have btrfs as the standard in 2040 I’ll wager.