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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • DRM just slows down how many people pirate stuff by making it non-trivial. If piracy was extremely simple and completely without risk everyone would be doing it, which in turn would start to cause harmful effects that they justify all anti-piracy stuff. I dont think corporations see it that way though, they are likely just bunch of idiots that want to squeeze even more from us.

    Not defending drms or generally any anti-piracy stuff, but humanity might not be quite ready for 100% free information. Hopefully it will eventually happen though. All of you are fighting for our freedom by not giving up on this.

  • anyone who this is supposedly targeted at will just start encrypting their messages on their own so even if message is intercepted it cant be read without difficulty/reasonable time. I could do it even here: U2FsdGVkX1+w2vSFD+69kO38y4VaS7pIJlM9vam//gU= (passkey=test)(aes-256-cbc)

    conveying information to large amounts of people this way is difficult, pretty much impossible if recipients are tech-illiterate. But if you REALLY have something you want to hide, you dont have to rely on communication services doing it for you. Only people who will suffer from this are the real targets: all of us.

    If services start making rules that you cant do this one could probably even obfuscate that message has been encrypted by encrypting it further in some other way that makes it look like written text, even if its nonsense.

    only reason they want to do this is mass surveillance. Before long eu could become like china and you have to be constantly afraid something you or someone you have had contact with says something that is considered wrongthink. All it takes is couple of elections where awful people get power.

    And all that is just from the viewpoint that governments will abuse this. Criminals will find even more use for unencrypted communications.

  • entire “left and right” spectrum is quite stupid in my opinion. While it generally points towards what kind of thoughtset someone might have, it doesnt seem very beneficial and has been corrupted quite badly so that term for other side is red flag for the another side and drives people to think you cant have something from both ends.

    There should be something else in its place, but i cant come up with anything better on the spot though. Personally i have tried to start thinking it on spectrum of beneficial to humanity as whole vs not beneficial, though with enough mental gymnastics even that could be corrupted to mean awful things

  • Majority of people just dont care about being spied upon unless it directly affects them somehow, at which point its too late for that person. But others having data on you wont likely directly affect you at the moment so not enough people get burned by it for general attitude to change. Smart people understand that all this can very easily change and prepare by not allowing all of their information be available for questionable people to use. Others make fun of them for this and call them crazy until one day they suddenly aren’t so crazy any more.