I have too many toothbrushes

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Apple supposedly makes good hardware, and my ‘23 mbp in 14’ has excellent battery, great trackpad, very good sound and a beast of a screen. Now I don’t like whatever material these machines are made of, they are downright unpleasant to grab or touch, and the keyboard is abismal shit. I hate it, I am seriously not using it as much as I could not because Asahi, or Fedora, or bugs, or the availability of certain software for Arm64, but because of that shit keyboard. Asahi runs great, the full Pipewire sound stack developed for it is a pleasure to work on. Switch monitoring every which way, plug Firefox into Ardour and rip youtube, it all works, period.

    To me M2 with 16g of ram is about on par with an intel i12 in everyday life. Sure it will win on rendering movies or some specific stuff, but day-to-day it’s like my friend’ Carbon X1 on Mint really.

  • Not a boat owner, but trained on sailboats: if you feel like it, take sailing lessons and get a feel for it, it’s fun and relaxing. I hate motorboats for the noise, the environmental impact. And it’s kinda dull.

    In any case, navigation and boating in general has rules, depending on where you are you may have to get a license.

    Got to your local sail club, take lessons. When you’re trained you will be able to rent boats from time to time. Almost nobody sails enough that buying is reasonable. And anchoring in a proper port means an annual fee to pay.

  • Not many indeed. There’s a switch in your settings to only show you games for your designated OS, or there are symbols below the games’ vignettes that tells you which OS is supported: win / mac / steam

    Frustrating is famous games from the 32 bits era, where they would be available to Mac but work only on macos pre-10.14 and not from 10.15 when macos went fully 64bits. Which means on top of reduced availability, some of this availability would only work on a mac from 2010 or so.

  • ReallyZen@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.ml[QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?
    1 month ago

    An AUR package has been done for Arch by (supposedly) someone who knows what they are doing and needs it on their Arch Machine

    A Flatpak is something done by someone, to (supposedly) work everywhere, untested on Arch, that may or may not work. And crash (Ardour on Asahi). Or waste hours or you life to render files incorrectly (kdenlive on arch and asahi).

    Native versions work perfectly.

    I thought I was clever in using arch/aur for everything, but pull KDE or QT apps from Flatpak to keep my gnome install a bit more tidy… For this, you’d have to have those Flataks to work, and sometimes they don’t.

  • My wife has a T480s on standard 2022 LTS Ubuntu, it is a machine old enough to not need the latest edgy mint ; a friend of mine has had to install it on his 2023 X1 tho.

    Standard Mint will do fine. Default DE is boring as hell, be sure to look at others like Gnome. I love Gnome.

    Also, using “live” USB keys OP can try several distros and check what they find more attractive in the default state of a distro.

    PopOS, Elementary, Fedora, Tumbleweed… So many of them.

    I say Tumbleweed is best because of the perfect, seamless integration of BTRFS / Snapshotting / Rollback system. It is truly the best way to dip your feet into Linux and get it back working in a single click when you (inevitably) fuck up.

  • ReallyZen@lemmy.mltoPiracy@lemmy.mlSource for a DAW?
    1 month ago

    I’m going to just drop here “The List” because I am not a musician myself, tho I use free software for audio mixing / production IRL and there’s excellent stuff in there.

    It is targeted at Linux, but most of the big ones do exist for Mac or Windows machines. Not that a Linux DAW is any complicated affair nowadays, wink, wink.

    I use Ardour on #AsahiLinux mostly. Yes, on a macbook lol.

  • I see I sideload of Gentleman Agreement with the hardware vendors here:

    • Hardware Vendors : “Oh No, The Market is Slowing Down!”
    • Microsoft: “Hold My Beer, it’s Payback Time”

    Everyone wins. Well, the usual suspects win as usual. The environment and the customer can go kiss Mr Gates and Mr Dell’s asses.

  • I am a full Proton paying customer too. At the time of signup, a Drive Linux client was supposedly next in line… There’s zero mention of it now. I need a VPN IRL and wasn’t keen on relying on a free plan where I was used to pay for one anyway. Aaaand I planned to move my emails of course since it’s in the bundle.

    I’d gladly uplift people and advocate for progress on the privacy and security fronts, invite world+dog to join but I can’t do it now in this situation. Linux users being underserved is how I feel.

    Mandatory “I use Arch BTW” mention.

  • That Boss guy says it there, Linux customership is negligible. I was happy to switch to an ethical ecosystem, but at the end of the day Proton is a company that runs for profit.

    Nevermind that this specific Linux customership is exponentially sensitive to privacy and security next to the average windows user, our money still doesn’t matter.

    It’s… annoying. Drive is relegated to weekly Dead Stupid Backups while Dropbox gives me real filesharing, VPN is highly unstable next to my former… dare I mention it? Yes: next to NkrdVPN which was ultra reliable anywhere I went, and Mail is only used for the passmail obfuscation since I don’t think I’ll stay with proton and didn’t switch my main mail to it.

    I’d be curious to know if the userbase of proton products reflects that of general statistics of OS’es repartition.