It is possible to format removable drives without root access through udisks2, e.g with gnome-disks or KDE ISO image writer.
It is possible to format removable drives without root access through udisks2, e.g with gnome-disks or KDE ISO image writer.
Curtail is a wrapper around tools like pngquant, jpgoptim and oxipng. In lossless mode it optimizes and reorders e.g the compression tables. I know of no tool that does that for video data and I am not even sure that is feasable. Video is not stored as a simple sequence of images.
The relevant polkit policies should be defined here:
Disabling is done with some rules like this:
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ("org.freedesktop.login1.power-off") == 0) {
return polkit.Result.AUTH_ADMIN;
Some other examples:
Hmm, never had cups-browsed enabled as I do not need network printing with LDAP or legacy cups. Discovery using DNS-SD/mDNS and driverless printing work perfectly fine without it.
I am not sure if the driverless discovery ever can generate a PPD with arbitrary commands.
For Linux maybe timekpr-next and some custom scripts to sync the time with the time limit server?
ReactOS is probably a good indicator how far you can get with some limited generic drivers.
As a CLI there is gifsicle or imagemagick.
As a gui maybe gifcurry, tupitube or some other 2d animation tool
For that test you should run sync afterwards to make sure the file was really written and is not waiting in a cache.