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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldstatic website generator
    2 days ago

    I use Hugo, it’s not super complicated.

    You basically just define templates in pseudo html for common content (header, nav panel, footer, etc), and then you write your articles in markdown and Hugo combines the two and outputs actual html files.

    You also have a content folder for js, css, and images which get output as is.

    That’s about all there is to it, it’s a pretty minimalist static site generator.

    Hosting wise you can just put it on github pages for free.

  • It’s a musical, the songs are catchy.

    However I disliked how fast paced the writing was, and how even though it’s called “Hazbin Hotel” and the pilot framed it as a sort of slice of life “bunch weirdos” hanging out and getting redemption, instead that weirdly became the B plot?

    Somehow they took the whole story and shifted it over to the B plot and pulled this other big high stakes thing out as the A plot.

    That’s not really what I was wanting to watch, and it feels a bit like they hit swapped out the story on me, so I kinda got a bit turned off by that.

    I don’t give a shit about some high stakes angels vs demons war end game shit.

    I wanted to see interpersonal relationships of weirdos learning to co-exist.

    Tl;dr: I was expecting something closer to The Good Place, but instead that got side lined by some huge MCU style plot no one asked for.

  • Yup, I usually have it set to the slowest setting when typing.

    I find I work much better and can think clearer while walking, as it keeps the blood flowing and makes me feel more awake and engaged.

    If I have a tough problem I’m trying to work through I turn the speed up to a faster pace and sorta just work through it in my head while speed walking, often this helps a lot!

    During meetings when I’m bored I also turn the speed up a bit.

    I often get around 10k to 12k steps in a day now.

    Note I don’t stay on the treadmill all day long, I usually clock a good 4 hours on it though.

    Then I take a break and chill on the couch with my work laptop, usually I leave my more “chill” tasks like writing my tests for this part, and throw on some Netflix while I churn all my tests out.

    Highly recommend it, I’ve lost a good 15ish lbs now in the past year since I started doing it, and I just generally feel a lot better, less depressed, less anxious :)

  • I have heard of jupyter but am not familiar with its nuances.

    But doing python dev with neovim is very doable, it uses the same LSP I think.

    I personally have a dedicated dev machine running debian that has everything on it, including nvim configured.

    I SSH into my dev box from other machines to do work, because neovim is a TUI it “just works” over SSH inside the terminal itself, which is what I like about it.

    It feels good to just

    1. SSH into my box
    2. tmuxinator my-project-name

    And boom, 4 tmux tabs pop open ready to go in the terminal:

    • nvim (pointing at the project dir)
    • lazygit already open
    • nvim (pointing at my secrets.json file elsewhere)
    • an extra general console window opened to project root

    And I can just deep dive into working asap in just those 2 steps, it feels very smooth.

    I often can even just do tmux a (short for attach) to just straight re-open whatever session I last had open in tmux, instantly jumping right back into where I left off.

  • I try and start using it for basic tasks, like note taking, to get used to its interface and basic commands like :w and :q, as well as switching between insert and cmd mode.

    Once you are familiar with switching between modes, copying, pasting, etc, then you probably will wanna Starr learning it’s lua api and how to load in some QoL plugins. Basic stuff like treesitter, telescope, and nvim-tree are good places to start.

    Once you feel comfortable with swapping between files with telescope and configuring plugins, I’d deep dive into getting an LSP up and running for your language of choice so you can actually code.

    In the interim I’d recommend getting comfy with using tmux in your terminal, try and open new tmux tabs to do units of work instead of constantly cding around.

    I like to keep 4 tmux tabs open for a project:

    • nvim
    • lazygit
    • secrets file open in nvim (usually my secrets file is in another dir so it doesn’t check into git)
    • a general terminal tab for running commands

  • From my experience the only big changes I’d say I made overtime are:

    1. Font size bumped up

    2. Switched to neovim from visual studio, which took like a year to relearn my entire workflow (100% worth it though)

    3. Switched from multiscreen setup to one single big screen (largely due to #2 above no longer needing a second screen, tmux+harpoon+telescope+fzf goes brrrr)

    4. Switched to a standing desk with a treadmill, because I became able to afford a larger living space where I can fit such a setup.

    If I were to do this meme though it’d mostly be #1, there just came a day when I had to pop open my settings and ++ the font size a couple times, that’s how I knew I was getting old.

  • Nowadays it’s less of an issue with docker and whatnot.

    Just set the image to refresh every night at midnight and if they tried to make manual changes it’ll just revert back to its original state at midnight.

    Customers don’t really get direct access to deployed code now, it’s buried under like 4 layers of abstraction on most CDNs now.

    Simply deploying to azure already smears multiple layers of access control and RBAC overtop that it’s hard enough for me, the dev, to answer the question if “what is actually deployed atm?”, let alone for the customer to get in their and meddle.