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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I ask before I take the interview. Location, salary range, linux laptop are prerequisites to me working for anyone. If they punt on the laptop question it means no and they are hoping you’ll want the job even without. I can promise you I won’t, and if you view that as a red flag I can promise I don’t want to work there so I don’t care.

    If its a hard requirement for you just say that and say that’s for workflow and you don’t want to waste anyone’s time

  • Myrecommendations is probably to host a next cloud instance. Does all the standard ‘cloud stuff’. File, contact, calendar sync, plus a bunch if other stuff if you want to add it via plugins. If you’re patient, and a single use you can host it on basically anything. If you decide you want to add users or have a faster site, you can go down the route of sorting out faster hardware or better specs and suck.

  • Yeah, I that nk a lot of people ‘get it’ but can’t quite explain it. So they tell you they use arch and they they are excited about it.

    I’m a pro, I’ve used basically every type of Linuxevwr made. Ive built and run linux from wcratch multiole times, as a lewrning experience, a teaching experience and even protypes for production systrms. I understand the packaging philosophies, I understand the opinionated administration decisions. I’m subscribed to most major distro mailing lists and i understand the political motivations that drive various teams to the different technical decisions.

    Arch isn’t for everyone. And I’m totally fine with that. But it is perfect for people who want to build something with well crafted and unopinionated tooling. Of everyone ‘got’ arch they’d be failing at what they ate trying to do.

  • I have a roughly 13 year old install that I’ve moved through the transition to /usr/ and from sysv to systemd. Its my oldest install. I run almost everything except suse as a systems admin.

    As a way to run Linux, I find arch one of the nicest. Rolling release, unmodified packages direct from the dev, unopinionated systems management, arch build system for any packages you want to compile, arch Linux archive that can be used for snapshotting or locking your rolling release, and AUR.

    It’s a completely different way to manage and build an OS that no one else is really doing. I find team ‘I use arch btw’ to be extremely annoying but at the end of the day, the arch tooling for building a Linux ypunlike to use means that people are naturally going to want to tell you they built something they find enjoyable to use. That’s not really something a lot of people say about most OSs.

    I have a range of issues and annoyances with most major OS, ranging from i cant use this to i wish this worked. Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu/deb flavors, redhat/fedora flavors, openwrt, alpine and other busybox flavors, iOS, Android, Graphine. All have things that mostly work but I’m always working around something.

    And finding accurate documentation for issues on distros that have different configuration release to release is a pain, deb, Ubuntu and redhat flavors are especially egregious. I don’t really care how to do this on RH6 or Ubuntu 11, lol, I want docs for the current version.

  • To be fair, every part of it is a small binary that generally does a single thing. You don’t have to run them all or even install them but they bring a lot of necessary functionality around base host bootstrapping that everyone used to write in shell for every distro.

    I find it nice as an operators of multiple infrastructures to be able to log into a Linux system and have all the hosts bootstrapped in a relatively similar fashion with common tools.

    Sysv kinda sucked because everyone had to do it all themselves. Then we got sysv, openrc, upstart and then systems and there was a while there where you never knew what you’d get if you logged into a box. And oh look, I gotta remember 10 different config file locations and syntaxes to assign an IP. Different syntaxes to start a daemon. Do I need to install a supervisor or does that come with the init.

    People are doing a lot of really cool stuff with Linux OSs assigning IP addresses in 10 different ways or starting programs was never one of them.

    Its also not that systemd has a monopoly, there are other init systems out there, but all the big distros, RH, Debian, ubuntu, arch . . . all came to the same decision that it was the best available init and adopted it. There are other options and any one of those projects is big enough to maintain its own init, but no one really finds the value in dedicating reaources, so they haven’t.

  • Yes, WebDAV will max your local connection. Its generally not the encryption that makes ssh slow but the fact that it is designed to give real time terminal feedback. In order for you to see each letter typed in an ssh session, the buffers are really small and it intentionally sends a tone of small packets. Great for single characters bad for large file transfer.

    Its OK here and then when you need to push a config file or something but moving large files is not really what its designed for and consequently, it sucks.

  • Well, for starters, tftp is the wrong thing for local file transfers if you want it to be fast. The only reason its still around is because its simple and offer the only file transfer protocol that is built into the firmware of the network card.

    You read that right, its a simple file transfer protocol built into every network card made in the last couple decades.

    Your best bet for file transfer is probably something like a WebDAV server. Which next cloud can handle for you. You can just enable normal WebDAV on something like httpd but then you gotta handle authentication yourself. (Or allow local and connect with VPN)