• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I don’t like how any of these big tech companies try and force us to use their spyware vs letting people make an informed choice. I don’t agree with the technique, but the silver lining may be that we desperately need competition with browsers and the reality is that this is how US predatory capitalism works now. Companies take advantage of people because we have no proper regulation in the tech space. Maybe some people will switch to from Chrome to Edge (reskinned Chrome) Ranking for privacy on a 1-10 scale imho

    Chrome 0 Edge 1 Firefox 5 Brave 6 LibreWolf 9

  • Purism’s corporate charter recognizes them as a social purpose corporation, it sounds very good in theory, but I think it’s been a struggle for them to pull off. Under this charter they’re supposed to value creating products and services that benefit society more than simply making profits. Unfortunately, I think being so idealistic has caused them to over promise and under deliver, as was the case with the Librem 5 phone imo.

  • Are you implying that Google’s primary business model is something other than the collection and sale of people’s personal data? Google services are discounted or “free” because they monetize user data through tools like their reCAPTCHA hardware fingerprinting technology deployed on System 76’s website. My point is that System 76 claim’s to be “extremely concerned with user privacy”, but chooses a payment processor dependent on the Internet’s least privacy preserving corporation and that is a contradiction of your “proclaimed” values.

    Btw, I recently learned that Purism also deploys Google scripts with their payment processor and I wasted my money on a Librem 5 a year ago. It has the worst touchscreen and battery life of any device I own, so let me assure you I’m no shill for that company. I honestly buy my hardware from System 76 every chance I get, so when I feel they’re being disingenuous about their values (privacy), I take it personal, since I’m typing this on a Galago Pro.

    I’ll probably relent and order the Lemur over the phone as Stetson suggested. I’m critical of System 76 because I want them to succeed and I think they should follow other companies (Valve, Discord, etc…) abandoning Google as their ship sinks because of shareholder greed.


    I’m sure a lot of people at System 76, like myself started using Google in the 90s and had an invitation only Gmail account, becoming enchanted with the company 20 years ago. Unfortunately, after their 2004 IPO, the shareholder’s have clamored for the increasingly relentless collection and sale of user data to advertisers and even government tax and intelligence agencies to the point that Alphabet has lost much of it’s goodwill in the tech community and many are now suspicious of Google like myself.

    I made my post not to bash System 76, but to point out what I believe is a strategic error continuing to have Google as a business partner when payment processor’s like Stripe will allow hCaptcha’s (privacy preserving service) instead.

  • With all do respect friend, I’m assuming most of us here that really care about privacy ditched Gmail very early in our privacy journey. I think virtually every policy Google enforces, including phone validation has some element of data collection in mind. We can debate whether providing the phone number is an information grab or a security measure, but I’m fairly certain it’s both to some degree. If one cares enough about privacy to post in this community please start looking for a privacy respecting email provider, then start abandoning Google services like the plague at a pace you can tolerate. Don’t move too fast on your journey, the inconvenience is rough, but liberating your digital life is priceless one step at a time.

  • Michael, thank you for responding, but Google’s reCAPTCHA isn’t only required for payment on your site, it’s required just to send a message for customer service or to contact sales as I have done both recently. There are plenty of payment provider’s that to not mandate Google services. Personally I enjoy a lot of Google services when I choose to use them, but being mandated to use Google, as my child is forced to do attending school makes me wonder we companies like System 76 perpetuate this trend of the government and private industry forcing people to use services instead of letting consumers make the choice themselves in the so-called “free market.”

  • It’s certainly not out of their control and Stetson at System 76 confirmed that they choose Google as a business partner regarding the website. There are plenty of websites and online shopping services not using tracking scripts to monetize their customers data. Yes, most do, but most people also don’t use Linux as their desktop operating system or care much about privacy. Regarding not finding “any site”, Here are 2, I know off the top of my head. System 76 could also easily switch to hCaptcha (privacy preserving service) over reCAPTCHA as Discord previously did. If Discord is making better choices than System 76 regarding privacy respecting web services I think it speaks volumes about System 76’s claim to “take user privacy extremely seriously.”

    I’ve made purchases on both of these websites without being tracked by a third-party advertising company.



  • Yes, as I stated in the beginning of my post, personally I value privacy and ethical business practices and imo, if you sell hardware, make money on hardware while not additionally monetizing your customer’s data through discounted web services. So the fact that they use services monetizing user as a way to increase profit margins is enough to make me choose another company. The only company I know of that sells a Linux Laptop not partaking in this sort of thing is Purism and they have very little selection. I’m open to other suggestions if someone knows of another company?