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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • mriormro@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldSteam keeps on winning
    6 months ago

    No? You can still buy these publisher’s games from them if you prefer and, as far as I’m aware, steam doesn’t have any stipulations that state once you sell on their platform that you can’t do so on others. In fact, that’s what these publisher’s tried to do. They thought they could easily build their own competing storefronts and reap the money. And, as the article says, they’re now crawling back. Turns out, Valve is pretty good at content delivery while remaining relatively consumer friendly.

    More people should look up what a monopoly is before hosing everything with that label.

  • Children are not autonomous and are beholden to another citizen for their existence. That’s a civic relationship too easy to abuse with, what I see to be, very little net benefit.

    I’m in support of not taxing children, but how will you distinguish an intentional purchase made by a child vs a purchase made on behalf of someone else for the benefit of a tax-free purchase?

  • If someone is forced to use a tool in a manner that it wasn’t designed to be used in and a mistake happens, that’s neither the designer’s or user’s direct fault; it is the implementor’s fault.

    You can be as careful and attentive as you can muster but that doesn’t change the fact that contrary design solutions were implemented and have rendered the use of the tool (the sink) both non-ergonomic and unintuitive. This will lead to accidents.