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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I used tmsu (“tag my shit up”) for a while, but it required too much discipline and then I dropped it.

    In addition, tools like fzf for fuzzy file-search (comes with shell integration to e.g. replace the default history search in bash) and ripgrep-all made this kind of organization unnecessary for me. It now suffices to have a vague idea where a thing is located and I can do a brute-force search in a few seconds.

    The next-level filesystem argument is brought forward every few months, but I’m not buying it.

  • Then again, I’m not sure if for servers, Debian is still as important as it used to be. I’m probably overly generalizing, but often all you need is a few daemons installed natively (SSH, Docker, firewall), and your reverse proxy and any services are then managed e.g. via docker compose.

    There are variations on this, but with the fraction of packages installed via the distro’s package manager having become smaller like that, what distro you use for a server should not impact your QoL as severely as it used to I think.

    Your point about desktop usage still holds of course.