• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2023


  • You must not be outside then

    In the communities where this music is popular, there are definitely a lot of classic songs coming out that aren’t just background noise, and they actually turn up the clubs.

    To people outside of these communities it might seem like they only survive 5 years, but if you’re inside you’ll recognize patterns in songs that keep coming up and that people listen to the most. That’s what really makes them classics, not just random people on Lemmy deeming them as such.

    Bad bunny, El Alfa, Tokischa, Chucky73, RaiwAlejandro, and Daddy Yankee have all been relasing songs that the community will remember for a long time and deem classics. Reggaeton is going through a second, smaller, golden age and it will be remembered.

    Your comment sounds a bit racist ngl

  • The same MFs on here that rush to tell someone that Linux is easy and intuitive are the same ones that can’t keep a small talk conversation for more than 5 mins, a social activity that humans have been doing for thousands of years.

    My words might be a little broad, harsh, and even hurtful, but just a reminder that not all of us are good at learning the same things.

    We didn’t all come out of the womb knowing how to socialize or use Linux, but if we look back far enough, we can all relate to the struggles it takes to learn something new, and how much it sucks when someone treats you like you’re stupid just because things sometimes don’t click

  • Currently, I’m in between games. Tried Divinity Original Sin 2, my first CRPG, but it felt overwhelming. Planning to revisit it during Christmas break.

    Gave New World a shot, found it boring, got a refund. I would rather spend those $20 on something better.

    Enjoying the Tony Hawk remaster, likely to finish it in the next week or so.

    Playing GTA IV, but it’s gotten dull after 3 hours. The story is interesting, but the gameplay feels like I’m just running errands.

  • Whenever I hear this quote I also think of the developers/publishers. They need to have a good reputation so people buy their games.

    I think that’s why EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Activision, etc sales have gone down. I will not say that gamers react fairly when it comes to unfinished game releases, but it takes one bad game to ruin a developer. Especially when you consider how small the margins are or if they are publicly traded. Even developers with good games have recently been going out of business because it’s not sustainable.

    I also think of their legacies. Especially in a post-steam world, a game with a good legacy will continue to sell for much longer. I don’t think a game like Watch Dogs ever got rid of the stink surrounding it, even though it isn’t a bad game to go back to nowadays.

  • I recently started playing Divinity Original Sin 2, and I went through this problem as well until I changed the way I approached the game.

    I just let go of trying to make the most optimized decisions and instead just make the decision I, or my character would make (if I’m role playing).

    I just realized that no matter what decision I make, it will still lead me to finish the game. If I really want to, later I can go back and play it again to see more of the game. Only if I like my first play-through though.

  • I agree with you for the most part. I do believe that mobile gaming is the future just bc of cheap it is to produce. I can see more and more games being optimized for ARM chips every year.

    Yeah mobile gaming is the reason why gaming is a bigger industry than Hollywood or even the music industry. It’s just far more accessible than any console or PC will ever be. It only makes sense that businesses will start to focus more on it.

    I believe that the only reason Microsoft paid so much for Activision Blizzard isn’t for COD or the other IPs they have, but more for King. The owners of Candy Crush and plenty of other mobile games.