• Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon

  • My youtube channel (mostly BotW and TotK content)

  • Trade List for Pokémon SwoSh

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • f I created a community, would I become it’s (lone) moderator automatically?

    Yes. But you can also immediatly appoint new mods and/or un-mod yourself if there are other mods present, so it is easy to give a community away when there are other interested users. It’s not a permanent thing.

    What consequences, requirements and things would I need to keep in mind as a moderator?

    Your community needs to be compatible wih the Fediverse Code of Conduct … but that boils down to “don’t be a dick and don’t post illegal stuff” which is pretty much just common sense. It’s not exactly hard to follow those rules ;)

    Apart from that, you can set whatever rules you want. But keep in mind that the Fediverse is still a lot smaller than reddit, so if you are TOO niche / narrow / strict with the rules, you’ll have a hard time finding people who want to engage with your community. General, broad-themed communities with easy-to-follow rules have a bigger chance to thrive.

    … and a personal little tip: don’t slam down the ban hammer at every opportunity. As a mod you are able to ban, silence, remove or otherwise “punish” people for bad behaviour, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do that. It’s a lot better to give users the benefit of the doubt, explain instead of punish (as they might not be aware that they did something bad in the first place), and give them a reasonable chance to fix their mistakes on their own before taking action. Post removal, bans and the like should be reserved solely for when the user in question is unwilling to cooperate OR did something obviously super shitty (like threatening other users, using slurs, posting illegal stuff etc.)

    Is it advisable to copy-paste content from Reddit to kickstart new communities (given that the link source to the original content was added as well when making new posts)?

    Well … as a last resort, yes. Original content or stuff from non-reddit sources is always preferable as it gives users of the Fediverse an incentive to visit communities here instead of going to reddit, but copypasted content is still better than no content at all, so if you can’t find interesting / worthwile stuff elsewhere, then copypasting from reddit is okay-ish too.

    OC is still way better tho.

  • My guess is that’s either a typo and was supposed to be “shipped”, or that they deliberately chose the word shifted (“to exchange for or replace by another”) in order to combine the numbers of sales and repairs into one statistic so it looks bigger. After Nintendo was mass-sued about the poor quality of their C-sticks, they were ordered to replace / repair any stick drift issues for free even outside of the warranty period, and people naturally used that feature.

    I for one had to send my joycons in for repair six times since buying the switch, so in that statistic my hardware would have been sold once, but “shifted” seven times.

  • I don’t know how anyone thought this was a good idea for a video.

    The dumber and more infuriating a video is, the higher the chance that viewers will start arguing with each other and/or the creator, and share links offsite to show others just HOW dumb and infuriating the video is. It’s the entire point of Rage Bait to be as obnoxious as possible to make people interact with the video in one way or another, because the creator gets “paid per click” in ad revenue. It doesn’t matter to those people whether the comments are actually civil discussions or literally every youtuber just commented “f- you!”, because both are worth one click = same amount of cash. Sharing links offsite is free advertisement on top of that.

    Long story short, it is deliberate. And the best way to deal with those is to report and ignore them.

  • Contact customer service and ask for a repair. Nintendo got mass sued a couple years ago over the poor quality of the Joycons, and now has to repair drift for free even if the warranty period is up. I am not sure whether this applies to all parts of the world (I live n Germany), but I personally sent my Joycons to repair four times since buying the system (last one was in January) and always got a joke invoice for zero Euro from them. Only thing I had to actually pay for was postal service.

    Even if they decline …asking doesn’t hurt and might be worth a shot.

  • Story spoilers

    I wish they wouldn’t have repeated everything so frigging often all the time. I get that it is difficult to create an interesting narrative while simultaneously giving the player the freedom to discover everything out of order, but they could still have split the main story into different parts. I mean, each of the Champion cutscenes were the same: “We were too weak, we got Secret Stones, we were still to weak, Rauru sacrificed himself, now here’s the dang stone, go kill Ganon.”

    At one point I honestly found myself mocking the dialogue. Blah blah Secret Stone blah blah Secret Stone blah…

    My idea of a split storytelling would be:

    • Sidon gets told that the “old” champions were too weak to defeat Ganon but not how they tried to solve the issue or what happened afterwards. As his sister was basically the “healer” of the BotW party and Sidon worries about the safety and wellbeing of his people all the time, it might be important to him to learn that the old Champions didn’t have a way to heal.

    • Yunobo gets told that Rauru was the one who gave them the Secret Stones to make them stronger. As a Goron, the old Champion would have been pleased to know that stones of all things were the key element of their plan to defeat the BBE. He does not tell why they still lost in the end.

    • Riju’s ancestor urges her to rid the world of the “evil” that the Gerudo race brought into this world, but at the same time warns her not to underestimate this enemy as they were no match for him even WITH the Secret Stones. She does not mention Rauru’s sacrifice or where the stones came from.

    • Tulin on the other hand gets told that Rauru sacrificed himself without an explanation as to why this was necessary. Rito are dang proud people so it would be no surprise for the “old Champion” not admitting defeat, and not mentioning where the “help” came from, but thinking highly of someone who threw his very life away to save his people.


    That way, each champion would have unlocked an important part of the narrative without duplicates, and frankly I don’t think it is important to tell these four bullet points in a specific order.

  • Record videos longer than 30 seconds, and for ALL games. As it is now, the Switch can only record the last 30 seconds of gameplay (which, in itself, is really cool because it works retroactively) and if you want to make longer videos, you either need to record consecutive clips and edit them on a different device, or you need a capture card. And it only works for some games to begin with - The Witcher 3 for example does not support that feature. You can take screenshots, but no videos.