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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Most of this is right, but needs some things corrected.

    LOS is kept up by individual maintainers of the devices, and so it can cover more of them. But that also means you expand your attack surface to lineage, maintainer, microg, etc. And that’s just on supported devices. Unofficial devices are even more wild-west, having much delayed releases, OS updates, security updates, everything.

    Not only that, but Lineage requires that you unlock your bootloader and often have your phone rooted to be able to do everything. This introduces special points of insecurity and possible issues in the future.

    GOS is from a single source, for a single line of phones, and uses a designed method to load cryptographically signed ROMs onto the device, and then validate updates using the same method. The Play Services are sandboxed and disabled by default, so you can just never use them if you want. Overall, this makes for a more cohesive device. One that is more private and more secure. Especially so, when you can buy a new Pixel device and have guaranteed updates for as long as Google will do so for the same device.

  • Of all the dumb things you’ve said, this is the dumbest. I bet serious money you’ve never lived in any of these areas, and just because less people live there doesn’t mean no one would notice you setting up a farmstead on their property and either call the sheriff or enforce their rights themselves.

    Not to mention the government wanting their taxes or permits and throwing you in jail once they got wind of anything. Homeless people get assaulted, their belongings destroyed, And their lives ruined every single day in even tiny towns in the Midwest. You’re not escaping society there, it’s very conformist. This has big high school libertarian energy