Can we shop around? New Zealand seems nice? I’d let Jacinda Ardern colonize me?
Can we shop around? New Zealand seems nice? I’d let Jacinda Ardern colonize me?
Seriously, Joe, go out with some fireworks.
Sony boss asks customers to push back harder.
Black Dreamcast is pretty sexy.
I hope this doesn’t affect my folders full of every Sega game rom ever.
How about the Kool Kids Klan?
I thought sports was about wealthy, unscrupulous white men fighting each other over the right to have the most-talented black men go to work in their fields.
Hadn’t heard of this one, thanks for the heads-up. It looks up my alley.
I knew dogs liked pumpkin, but never knew how much until I brought one home this year and both of my dogs immediately started licking the outside of it. They loved it raw and couldn’t get enough.
They’re looking for someone with a “strong work ethic” who is passionate about being a warehouse associate and really embraces the warehouse’s family-like culture.
I feel like I’m biased and it’s my answer for everything, but RDR2. No other game environment has come close, for me. Screenshot from one moody moment I captured:
I’m trying to learn Houdini. I thought, “Oh, I’ll just download a template and see how it should look.”
Even already-made templates are apparently out-of-my-depth.
I want to be in that coconut.
How are you guys looking on adrenochrome down that way? Supply shortages have hit us hard on the east coast. I’d kill for some fresh, virginal blood right about now.
Triple anthropomorphization: the butterfly was also in on it, egging them on intentionally to get a closer look at the penguins.
Have you played RDR2? It’s open-world, the world is stunning (you can easily ignore the stories and just take in the nature), and the game revolves around your camp/gang, which you regularly return to and interact/check-in with, in addition to accompanying them on missions at times.
Just don’t post about your visit to YouTube.
Are there any notable features that make it stand out from Stardew or others?
Damn, that’s impressive! What languages do you know, if it’s not too invasive?
Thanks for the heads-up, giving RSS Guard a try as we speak. Looks fun.