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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


    1. have an nvidia GPU

    2. have Fedora

    3. download RPM package of drivers for Red Hat (after all, Fedora and Red Hat are… compatible, right?)

    4. Everything goes fine

    5. Six months later, upgrade to a new version of Fedora

    6. oops, kernel panic at boot after the upgrade, and no video to troubleshoot after UEFI boot

    7. figure out how to boot into a recovery partition from UEFI

    8. figure out how to enable a serial console over a USB device

    9. figure out how to connect to the serial console from another computer using another USB device

    10. figure out what the kernel panic is from (not the upgrade, but the driver which wasn’t upgraded)

    11. figure out how to uninstall the incorrectly installed driver

    12. figure out how to install the correct driver

    That was a fun three week OS upgrade.

  • I have had to un-teach dumb things that people learn from Windows.

    A menu item to run a GUI program as root it is indeed a rather absurd scenario. It suggests that you want to violate the admin/user barrier which is intended to be difficult to surpass except in certain circumstances.

    There can be a lot of things under the hood that are necessary to run a GUI program as root depending on whether you’re using X11 or Wayland or something more esoteric. It’s doable though.

    But instead of doing that, why not just learn how to use the command line? Every administrative task can be done via the command line, but not every administrative task has a GUI counterpart. So you’re going to need to learn to use the command line sooner or later.

  • inetknght@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlXZ backdoor in a nutshell
    3 months ago

    and would not include it in the main repo

    Tests that verify behavior at run time belong elsewhere

    The test blobs belong in whatever repository they’re used.

    It’s comically dumb to think that a repository won’t include tests. So binary blobs like this absolutely do belong in the repository.

  • Disabling a systemd service won’t prevent it from starting. For example, if another service depends on it then it will start anyway.

    You have to mask the service which redirects the service files to /dev/null so that the service effectively has zero directives.

    systemctl mask --now snapd

    It also means that anything which depends on snapd will likely fail. That is absolutely an improvement since we obviously don’t want anything that depends on snaps.

  • I was running Fedora. Something like 27 or so. I needed drivers. I don’t remember if it was AMD or Nvidia, but they were only available on RedHat.

    So I downloaded the RedHat drivers for the GPU and forced it to install. It worked! It was great.

    Then when I updated the distro to the next release… everything failed. It was dropping into grub, but no video was output. Ooof.

    So I ended up enabling a terminal console and connecting to it via a serial port to debug. I had to completely uninstall that RPM and I was never happy that it was properly gone. So a few months later I ended up reinstalling the whole OS.

    On the plus side, I learned a lot about grub and serial consoles. Worth it.