Great, now find a project to apply it and collect your participation trophy. :-P
Great, now find a project to apply it and collect your participation trophy. :-P
and produce tons of excellent, reviewed but useless code on the way.
Unironically Lynx and Elinks.
license is probably the reason they’re doing it. no way around that without infringing copyright law I guess.
you could check how other FOSS do it. e.g. you externally link it as a library and use another license the user has to agree on just for that.
world-renowned, enterprise-level antivirus software running
lol. better just use defender next time.
edit: or not use windows.
What are you trying to prevent? You can’t release anything (opensource or not) without risking someone stealing the idea without patenting.
No FOSS license will prevent that (quite the opposite, it encourages copying/modifications). Those licenses just prevent someone using your code commercially without releasing the source code again.
not sure why you think that. if it’s indistinguishable, it’s still prior art. If it’s something better or different than your code, it’s a new thing.
Patents protect technical principles, not actual sourcecode.
no, the patent office would find your publication, deem it Prior Art and not grant the patent. If it would miss it (some don’t research very well), anyone can notify them to void the patent afterwards anytime.
IANAL, there are lawyers specialized on patents who’ll reassure you for free/cheap (relatively, they are friggin expensive). It also depends on legislature. Countries that break/never agreed to the PCT will do what they please.
NAL but my understanding always was, that you can’t patent anything in your name, when it’s already published.
That would make any patent related clause void anyway.
You could do some automated/scripted installation VM-image builder thingy and release that. Would probably also save some manual work for you. (bash script fetching install image & run qemu, autounattend.xml, etc. all nicely released on github.) And it’d be auditable.
that’d be an awesome way to spread malware with some VM evasion.
not sure if any 3rd-party windows install should ever be trusted. no matter what usecase.
your own fault. get a nuclear reactor next time d’uh…
I’d like to see the bedbug that survives this. As mentioned elsewhere, this is used by (hopefully) every hospital, elderly home or hotel for worse stuff than bedbugs.
The mattresses leave this thing in a pristine state.
When you refund a mattress they just surface clean it
yuck. I doubt that. It’s manual work and far more expensive than a machine.
but getting them dry would be a challenge
seriously? I mean, there is a chance no such service exists in your town. Bad luck then. But there is close to zero chance it doesn’t exist in your country.
What do you think hospitals do? (Or good hotels, as mentioned). Source: Worked in an elderly home that used such a service regularly.
Here’s an image of such a mattress washing machine.
They work.
That’s not true. All mattresses except the cheapest foam ones are washable (they are, too but they might change properties then). But why get a used cheap one?
There are mattress washing services with giant washing machines that are used by hotels. Ask hotel staff to find one.
You can’t get rid of most of the build-up.
You actually can get rid of all the buildups. Just like with clothes. Also don’t think sellers throw it away when you refund a mattress - they wash it and sell it again.
just ask beforehand if you can test it quickly. while that’s not 100% proof, most people are honest (at least when giving away stuff for cheap/free). There’s a risk, but at worst you get free trash. Never happened to me, tho.
Also most high-quality stuff is always salvageable. Surely it’s more hassle then if you have to order spare parts or such.
Some things basically come for free when they were used. Washing machine, stoves… Disassembling them to fully clean them takes a day or two, but it’s still faster than buying new and chances are good, someone wants to get rid of their high quality stuff near you and will give it away for cheap if you “dispose” it for them.
You can even wash a mattress for a few bucks. If it’s good quality, a decade old used filthy mattress can come out like brand new.
People finding that gross or poorish are the reason, stuff is so cheap
imagine microsoft promoting guides to use the terminal which was deemed outdated, slow and complicated legacy in the past.
Give it two or three more major teleases, then windows will be a DE runnining on some *nix-ish kernel. Microsoft is really learning the hard way.
Not sure if I’d trust an OS named like a Bond villain.