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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Dell Optiplex… You can buy them used all over still. Find one with a decent processor and upgrade everything else. The fans are easy to find and replace. I’ve got a Linux based MCPC that’s about a decade old that’s still going strong. I’ve got one for my kids with Linux on it. I’ve bought several for elderly relatives and upgraded the ram and drive to ssd. They really just seem to go forever.

  • Snapchat gave the info to police. From BBC:

    On its website, in a section titled “How We Work with Law Enforcement Authorities”, Snapchat says one of its goals is to “maintain a safe and fun environment where Snapchatters are free to express themselves and stay in touch with their real friends”.

    It adds: "We also work to proactively escalate to law enforcement any content appearing to involve imminent threats to life, such as school shooting threats, bomb threats and missing persons cases, and respond to law enforcement’s emergency requests for disclosure of data when law enforcement is handling a case involving an imminent threat to life.

  • I’ve had my blendtec for like 12 years. It’s got a counter on it for some unknown reason. I just made my morning protein shake. I’m at 5473 uses. My previous blender was an oster that lasted a few years and didn’t work well. I’d previously broken cheap blenders after a few uses. If you use it for more than just mixing up simple things, the vitamix and blentec are worth it. Literally the only reason I picked blendtec is because it fit under my counter. The vitamix was too tall.

  • I was wondering about the astroturfing. The support didn’t seem super organic. I’m not dumb enough to not understand how modern marketing works. I tried it and was not impressed too. It’s also stupid expensive. Thanks for the confirmation. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only person here that wasn’t paid to use it.

  • The stock market should not exist. Investing in companies is fine, but we shouldn’t be able to buy our sell investment shares like a commodity.

    All subsidies should not exist. They only alter the supply/demand in unnecessary and damaging ways. This must come with ending commodities trading like stock market investing.