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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • It’s current year, I should never have to touch the terminal for anything. I don’t care that it’s powerful, my brain is already full of windows knowledge and I don’t want to have to google what command I need to perform basic functions. Everything needs guis. If there’s a gui, I can figure it out and also discover tools I didn’t know about along the way, which allows me to solve future problems without going insane.

    That’s popular sentiment though, so how about one that I don’t see often: Add options to allow windows like behavior. For example, middle click paste is the bane of my existence. I should be able to change it to middle click scroll os wide, not just in firefox. I know that there’s a hacky workaround to kinda make it work, but it sucks.

  • As a person with a full time job, a significant other, and several hobbies, I just don’t have time to invest in learning a new operating system. I grew up with windows (95, 98, xp, 7, 10), so that’s what I’m familiar with. I recently switched to linux (mint), and it’s fine. Just getting started though is something that was rather involved, and I would never expect a normie to be able to figure out. If microsoft wasn’t insisting on making win11 a dumpster fire, I wouldn’t have bothered. Now that things are running smoothly, there’s some minor annoyances that I’d really like to change, and the prevailing sentiment from the linux community is “that’s just how linux is” or sometimes “here’s a hacky workaround that barely works in only certain controlled cases”. It’s better than it was 10 years ago, so there is that.

  • glitchdx@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devEvil
    26 days ago

    anyone else miss how you used to be able to simply set all the colors and fonts for things yourself? And it was easy. It wasn’t just light theme or dark theme and those are your only two options, but really whatever you want.

    windows xp truly was peak windows.

    (everyone should switch to linux, btw)

  • While everything you said is correct, think about the perspective of someone who doesn’t care how it works, only that it does. In this context, ports and recompilation live in the same space as emulation. You and I understand the difference, but we’re nerds. I’m playing the game I bought years (possibly decades) ago, on my pc instead of on a console, with various enhancements depending on what software I’m using and a controller that doesn’t hurt my hands. It’s emulation.

    Also, the video I linked probably wasn’t the best choice to make my point, I chose it anyway because it blew my damn mind with how far the community has brought emulation-adjacent gaming.

  • Order of operations is important. Yes, if we got rid of all the guns then gun violence would stop being a problem. There’s a whole discussion that could be had about sensible gun regulations that is beyond the scope of this comment. Reform on the matter is necessary.

    However, that ‘order of operations’ thing I mentioned: I’ll give up my guns when the fascists give up theirs, and not a day earlier.

  • Even if the different gear were sidegrades to each other, that would still be better. Keep the main ones that you craft yourself as is, but then have findable versions that you can’t craft that have the same or similar stats but very different aesthetics (and possibly enchant bias). That would already make exploration more worthwhile. Armor trims are a step in the right direction, but making the schematics fragile is just a slap in the face. Actually, gear fragility really shouldn’t exist at all, but that conversation can happen another day.

  • Completely unrelated to my other comment, and more related to the actual post, I think looking at Factorio’s upcoming world generation changes may be a source of inspiration on how to do this better. Mojang won’t ever do it because it would take actual work for something most people won’t notice, so it’s up to the modding community.

    Factorio may be a 2d game, but its world generation is done in 3d and then flattened.

    Look at Factorio Friday Facts number 401 and scroll waaaaaaaaaaay down to the section on Natural Paths.


  • I mostly play creative these days, as survival doesn’t really have much in the way of gameplay. Once you’ve automated food production, made a skeleton grinder for arrows/xp, mined up a couple stacks of diamond for gear and enchanted them, there isn’t much left to actually do. Sure, you can explore, and mojang has added some really cool biomes and locations over the years, but there’s never anything actually worthwhile to get (except for the elytra in the end).

    To make survival engaging would require overhauling so many aspects of minecraft, and I suggest looking at Terraria for inspiration. Minecraft has 7 swords (wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, netherrite), with possible enchantments for each. According to bing ai, Terraria has 101 different swords, all with different possible modifiers. The progression ladder is not only much taller, but also more granular. And then apply this logic all the rest of the equipment (and add trinkets while we’re here).

    Of course, with all these weapons, you would need something to do with them. Different zones within the game would need to be more or less difficult, with a much greater variety of mobs. I’m not sure the best way to do this, so why not have actual dungeons? Trial chambers seem to be a step in the right direction, but without the possibility of better and more interesting rewards, there’s no point in making better dungeons.

    Inventory management is also bad. Terraria kept upping stack sizes over the years, and every time the community was happy about it. Minecraft needs to do more than just up stack sizes, because each material type also has different shapes (blocks, slabs, stairs, fences/walls) that building anything with more than one material is a chore. You should be able to have a stack of 2000 stone brick in your inventory and place any of its shape variants without crafting another object. Make a slab cost a full block, I don’t care, having more slots in my inventory free is way more important.

    Every attempt that Mojang has made to address the above has been surface level at best. I’d be fine with that, after all survival is only one way to play the game. There’s also creative, and the vanilla experience is awful.

    Ever try to do a large art project in MS paint using only the pencil tool? That’s minecraft creative mode. There needs to be tools to modify several blocks at once, using an intuitive interface (there’s a video for Lay of the Land that demonstrates the kinds of tools I’m talking about, I’ll link it if I can find it again). To get around this, I use a mod called Litematica, which is a cumbersome pain in my behind but the only way I know how to build a large scale anything without going mad. I’ve attempted to switch over to modelling in Blender and use Joey Carlino’s Block Blender addon, but I can’t figure out how to get the exporter to make the blocks actually be the material I want them to be. These mods and external tools should not be necessary, especially in CREATIVE MODE.

    The lay of the land video as promised: https://youtu.be/XjCSY5x_EQw?si=q3UUd95-4dXgJVPj

    Also also, we really should have more decorative objects. We have one type of bed, and it can have a few different color blankets on it. There should be a different style of bed for every major material type (like Terraria). Also, chairs. Not just things we can build that kinda look like chairs, but actual chairs that we can sit in. My park benches currently look terrible because in order to be functional they have to have a minecart in them. Tables that are coded as tables and you can simply pick up or set down objects on them. Furniture in general.