here we go again

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Mario Maker 3 will be the foundation of every Mario title from here on out - it’s Mario As A Service! Levels will be generated and stored in the blockchain, as NFTs, so you can make, sell and trade rare levels! Make your levels memorable by describing them to our AI Waluigi, who will take your descriptions and generate a level for a mere 13 USD worth of Platinum Nintencoins, tradeable on Coinbase soon! Don’t forget to keep your Gold Nintencoin balances topped off to make sure you have the best chances to get rare powerups! Try downloading our new companion app so Princess Peach can watch you use your phone and listen to your real-life conversations. If she likes what she hears, you’ll get free Nintencoins, so be sure to become a top Brand Ambassador for the best value! Wow MBA-level business sure is amazing! It’s weird that we keep losing customers though… can we make it illegal for customers to leave us, please? I learned in business school that getting what you want is just a matter of killing the right whistleblowers.

  • interesting, only the most basic info is included about my 19 year old account. I’ve always been very conservative with the info I share online though.

    back in the day, everyone was regularly reminded that the internet is a wild west and only by safeguarding your personal information and using pseudonyms and avoiding identifying info can you have a chance to be safe and have a good time. but now that PII is profitable, all the big internet companies tell you the opposite so they can make a buck. I think this is the inevitable outcome of it.

    sorry to hear a baddie is clinging to you, that’s always quite troublesome. it can be hard to do anything about it. shitty as it is, your best bet is usually to become an undesirable target: boring. they’re school yard bullies. they do it for the reaction, that’s it. the more you react, the harder they try. fucking assholes.

  • probably. this doesn’t surprise me one bit.

    If you have a smart TV, it probably runs an ARM-architecture Linux or Android (which amounts to a bunch of extra stuff piled onto Linux) to drive the logic and ui to support connecting to the internet and downloading and updating streaming apps and other smart TV crap.

    most of the time they’ll run some minimal stripped-down version of these operating systems to support only features needed for the TV and it’s functions. buildroot is an open source project that specializes in producing hyper slim Linux OS installation images for devices like these.

    if I had to guess, they had a USB full of shows plugged in and the smart tv’s solution was to just boot up the linux version of VLC in a bare x session when the user hits play on “totally_not_pirated_smallville_s01e03.mkv” on their thumbdrive. not a terrible solution, honestly: VLC just plays anything.

    The old kernel is because a lot of low level hardware has available drivers written for it that are intended to be loaded into old versions of the Linux kernel (at time of release perhaps) and are then just never updated lol, at least not for ARM. sometimes there are breaking changes with kernel apis and stuff as the kernel version increases over time, so the easier solution for someone trying to make a TV, over begging and/or paying the hardware developers to update their drivers, is to just run an old kernel version.

    everything is a hack. nearly all these smart devices are just general-purpose computers with ancient (predictable, cheap) software and inescapable interfaces taped over the front, and a whole lot of digital duct tape on the back.

  • I agree. and I happen to enjoy baking. arch was my first distro and after a whirlwind tour of other options at some point, has remained my daily driver os for the better part of a decade.

    i don’t suggest arch to just any newbies. I suggest it to the ones who are overtly interested in baking. I don’t suggest it to people asking the best way to get tasty cookies, who are perhaps the majority, but not by as much as people seem to naturally suspect. sometimes I think some people giving answers don’t remember or realize that there are many kinds of people interested in learning about Linux and therefore many right answers for a starting distro.

  • I have done this. it can be quite messy but it will definitely import the albums of all the music you have either liked or followed or in playlist in Spotify.

    I’m not 100% that it will actually organize it as it was originally on Spotify, though, just that it adds the list’s contents as “wanted tracks”. I assume there’s some way to do this but I haven’t looked into it enough yet.

    It’s still on my list, along with figuring out how to get Critical Role working with my Sonarr so I can be done with YouTube frontends…

  • expects us to pay their wages and for our food.

    well, yes. look, I’m not a fan of the exploitative “gig economy” either, but you are paying for two things that won’t ever be offered for free to you: (1) food to be prepared for you, and (2) the service of someone to transport it on your behalf. for the prior you pay the menu price. for the latter you pay service fees and tips. if you don’t want to pay extra (atop menu prices) to have someone bring you the food, don’t ask someone to bring you food for money.

    the scummy part is not that you’re being made to pay for the services you’re requesting, it’s that the services sometimes lie about how the workers are being paid and how much the service actually costs by wrapping up the worker’s base pay (essentially) as a “tip”. yes. shitty.

    but i’m not sure how this differs much from, say conventional non-gig “free” pizza delivery wherein the cost to the business of(poorly) paying drivers is recouped by elevated menu prices and there is still an expectation on the customer to tip the driver to make it sufficiently worthwhile for them.

    if services are taking the tips for themselves when people assume it goes to the driver, that’s bad. that’s happened, yes. and fuck the service for doing it. bad pizza joints have done the same thing to drivers for years when they get credit card tips or tips online, too. that doesn’t make the “conventional pizza delivery economy” as a whole evil, it just makes those unethical companies assholes that should be avoided.

  • mine doesn’t do this fortunately, but once in a while when you turn it on when it isn’t connected to wifi, it will bring you to a wifi selection screen instead of your last input, and the list is sorted so that unsecured APs are at the top, and the OK button highlight (which you’d normally use to activate the feed from your last source when you turn it on) just so happens to activate the top unsecured AP, to which it will immediately connect and launch into the “internet connected” onboarding process.

    this almost happened to me once when I first got it… so I set up an AP on my router that has all traffic completely blocked, and connected the TV to that. it periodically tells me to call support about internet problems, but all the nags and promos and “sign in” begs went away otherwise, so I guess it’s just happy to hear from my router.