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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Sounds like there’s plenty of bad shit going on there.

    I have to say, it’s a tough sell to expect companies to pay above market rate for people in a cheaper location. We can’t all be earning Bay Area salaries and living in Spain, that’s just not worth it, honestly.

    If you had to pay $200k in California or $80k in England for the same work, all remote, you wouldn’t throw away twice as much money.

    The fake promo thing sounds like an Amazon stunt, from my experience there. You have to work at a certain level for a year before you (hopefully) get promoted to that level officially. It’s a great way of avoiding the Peter Principle for employers, with the added shitty bonus of saving you money.

    All in all it sounds like a shitty situation with some “normal” stuff thrown in that we all wish wasn’t so normal.

    Edit: non-compete clauses are unenforceable in lots of places. Seems like they are enforceable in the UK, however.

    Edit 2: a move to management is a lateral move at Amazon, too. Probably true of a lot of places. I don’t like it, but it’s not that unusual.