before any link works like a charm. before any link works like a charm.
This looks incredible. But I doubt it would ever really happen. Imagine the cost of making sure that super structure doesn’t collapse from age. Or building in resistance to earthquakes or hurricanes.
It’s a beautiful idea, but doubtful that it could ever happen.
Well, the USD is worth 15% less today than it was when the consoles launched. As such, keeping the price the same is the same as discounting it with a stable currency. The price today is the same as $425 at launch, so prices have come down we just don’t see it reflected in the dollar price.
WTF? 25gbps? Dang we really do have shitty internet in the States.
'Murica #1!!! (In high internet prices)
I have billions of Zimbabwe dollars and I picked up litter for 2 hours a few weeks ago. So there’s at least one!