dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • The option you’re looking for is “mock location,” and it is buried in the developer options in the settings menu on your phone.

    You will probably have to enable the developer options menu on your phone, which is done by tapping the build number in “about phone” five times. You will get a popup message when developer options are enabled, and then the Developer Options entry will appear under “System” (at least on recent Android versions) in your settings menu.

    Note that this is not a complete solution. You still need a mock location app, which you will give permission via this screen to override your phone’s reported GPS location.

  • The annoying thing is, the problem with this from a design perspective was well known and there were already some efforts to improve upon matters as early as the SNES era. Both Chrono Trigger and Earthbound leap to mind. It’s just that following this, most developers forgot to learn a lesson from these for another decade or two.

    In Earthbound, all non-story, non-boss encounters are visible on the overworld and you can either:

    • Avoid them entirely with some foresight and skill
    • Get a backstab advantage if you manage to maneuver yourself behind the enemy, or
    • Instantly win the battle if your level significantly exceeds that of the enemy
    • Battles can be auto-fought with the computer controlling your party if you are e.g. trying to eat a sandwich at the same time or something

    In Chrono Trigger, most trivial encounters can be avoided, with some scripted exceptions that always initiate when you cross a certain area presumably to prevent players from completely avoiding all combat entirely and subsequently getting their asses stomped by the bosses. Chrono Trigger’s overworld map also features no random encounters whatsoever. You can wander the world freely and will only encounter monsters if you actually enter a location.

    I harp on this a lot, but only because it’s true. Despite its faults, some of which it definitely has, Chrono Trigger had some incredible design innovations and was easily the high water mark for JRPG design not only for its time, but even compared to subsequent games for a long time – maybe even still to this day.

    • Many trash mob encounters can simply be avoided if you can’t be bothered or are low on resources
    • Those that can’t can usually be wiped in a single move if the enemy is far beneath you via double/triple techs
    • Encounters happen on the screen you’re already on, so you don’t get disoriented after the battle ends
    • Positioning on the battlefield matters for techs, making fights more interesting than the usual you line up on one side/they line up on the other side method…
    • …However, positioning on the battlefield absolutely does not matter for single magic spells or melee attacks, meaning you never get completely screwed by how the chessboard is laid out
    • You can walk diagonally (seriously, the inability in even much later games to do this bugs me to no end – Pokémon, I’m lookin’ at you)
    • If a non-story-critical NPC is yammering at you and you can’t be bothered, you can just walk away even when the text box is still open
    • Not only can you rearrange your party however you want including not putting the protagonist at the head of the conga line (and even being able to remove him fully, after a certain plot event), but which combination of party members you have actually matters for techs and not just a perpetual case of, “I need one tank, one caster, and one healer” like prior/later games
    • The entire concept of the New Game+ is called what it is and works how it does because of how Chrono Trigger did it
    • You can fight the final boss pretty much any time as soon as you learn about him, and if you get your ass whooped trying that’s on you


    Apparently the Chrono Trigger devs originally planned to give the player even more freedom but several additional concepts such as being able to freely position your fighters on the field were cut due to time constraints and not being able to figure out a sufficiently elegant way to do it on the SNES hardware and controller.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldFond memories
    11 days ago

    What? I don’t have to “imagine” anything. I literally owned one, for two years. Nothing was “sacrificed” on the Priv. It was in all aspects a completely modern phone, even managing to include a headphone jack and memory card slot, a curved edge display, wireless charging, and a 3400 mAh battery. And don’t try to come at me about battery capacity, either. Just to name an example, its contemporary in the Galaxy S7 had a 3000 mAh battery, was the flagship phone of its time, and sold bucketloads of units.

    Your argument is bullshit. Slider phones aren’t made because manufacturers don’t want to make them – be that for low projected sales reasons or whatever else – not because there is any physical reason they can’t.

  • The Priv wasn’t. Read the entire post. The Priv from Blackberry/TCL had a slider keyboard and altogether was 9.5mm thick. My current Moto G Power 5G is 8.5. An iPhone 16 is 8.25. This is not an appreciable difference.

    Obviously there’s not any technical reason anyone couldn’t make a modern slider as thin as current slates, it’s just that with the discontinuation of the Priv nobody does. And that’s not even getting into fixed keyboard designs.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldFond memories
    11 days ago

    People who want a keyboard, that’s who.

    I don’t get why people go around acting like these phones did not physically exist in the past in significant numbers, and both the “expense” and thickness problems were not, in fact, problems.

    My old Galaxy S Relay 4G was not appreciably any thicker than my current phone is with its case on it. And the Blackberry Priv I had after that was still exactly as thin as current modern phones.

  • My most fondly remembered phone is easily the Galaxy S Relay 4G I had for ages:

    In its time, this motherfucker was pimp. It was essentially a Galaxy S5, but with a slightly smaller footprint and a sliding five row QWERTY keyboard – with arrow keys and dedicated number row. It was the bossest thing ever for remoting into systems via SSH or RDP to administer servers at work and so forth. It supported NFC, MHL video out, USB on the go (which was not necessarily a given at the time), and I wedged one of those wireless charging stickers into it under its battery cover. Of course it had a memory card slot, a headphone jack, and a swappable battery.

  • There are retro revival consoles that aren’t deliberately made to looks like the original incarnations. I think the issue here was that the consoles being sold were deliberate counterfeits of otherwise valuable original retro machines.

    For instance, litigious as they are Nintendo has either been unable or unwilling to snuff out things like the RetroN machines which play original Nintendo and SNES cartridges (and Genesis, and some others) but don’t claim to be a Nintendo machine or look like one in any way.

    That said, I personally would totally buy a fake OG JDM Super Famicom just to have on the shelf, or even a shell just that looks like one.