I’m just a guy, my dudes.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I fell backwards into programming and did it for years before ever needing or encountering a mod operator. It never really came up in statistical programming (SAS) and since I wasn’t a CS major I don’t think I even learned about it until taking online programming classes for fun. But I know I was a pretty damn good SAS programmer. I never had any issues solving any problems in my field programmatically, but I took a few leet code tests and was completely puzzled before taking said CS classes. The algorithms and common problems just never remotely came up. I never found fizzbuzz particularly relevant in statistics and data CRUD.

    Now maybe since SAS is procedural and not OO you’d say it doesn’t have typical “programming language features”, but I could easily see that experience being common in all kinda of business side programming like R, VBA, maybe JavaScript or Python, etc.

    …but anyway obviously I’m not saying its not a good thing for a dev shop to interview on, and if they want someone classically trained then it’s probably a perfect question. My quibble is just that you might need to widen your definition of who programs.

  • Just finished Mario Wonder in like a week - a delight to play but too easy and way too short to 100% a game.

    Currently playing Dave the Diver and understanding why it has such good reviews. A solid little game - just expect a game that literally everyone can agree is pretty good, maybe not a game you’ll think is great.

    Also currently loving Monster Train. Horrible theme, bad art style, and the sound effects are off-putting, but the gameplay is top notch. Very very fun. I was playing a bit of Across the Obelisk trying to capture that Slay the Spire addictive deck-builder feel, and where I enjoyed the latter (particularly for multiplayer) I never was dying to play it, just enjoyed it while I was. Monster Train I’m definitely looking forward to playing tonight, or maybe today during a boring meeting.

    And of course DoTA. Always DoTA. For me it’s still the best game ever made, and they keep getting better with new content, fixing community toxicity issues, trying to help the skill wall, etc. I took two years off with my daughter’s birth, but I’ve been playing again for a few months and it’s better than ever.

  • That’s how it originally was in the US. I had it for years and it was absolutely useless, I used to complain about what’s the point of even having it if the only benefit was ONE return without a receipt per calendar year. You’re telling me you want to track all my purchases, but you can’t actually track all my purchases? Give me a break.

    Then a few years ago they added free coffee, so it became worth it again. The 5% off thing is new enough I remember being surprised when I learned it.

  • The Unity training materials are amazing. I took their beginner programming course and even made a tiny little game of my own afterwards. I had plans to make a real game later for fun. It’s awesome software and they have a great ecosystem for beginners with no experience.

    So it’s a huge loss, but why would I support them now when Godot exists? The only prospective user I can think of now is someone with no experience that needs all the tutorials, so they’re only using them to learn and have no dreams of making a successful game. All the wannabe devs who think they’re going to make the next great indie hit (and trust me based on game dev forums - there are a ton), why would they set themselves up to pay a ton of money to Unity when starting out? The people they’re going to hold onto are those who don’t have the skill or resources to switch, which probably coincides fairly well with those who don’t have the skill or resources to make a commercially successful game. So they’ve limited the amount of money this move makes to existing games they can squeeze some money out of, and maybe some potential breakout hits from people who are pot committed to Unity and not skilled enough to switch. It’s a crazy move.