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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I never cared a lot. While I do notice the difference immediately, it never makes the experience differ in the long run. I have watched full length movies on the cover screen of my Samsung Zflip5 without feeling that I missed out on anything.

    I have a nintendo switch which I have used a lot. Even though I have a nice 55" TV and a decent soundbar, I very rarely connect the switch to the TV. I much rather use it in handheld mode so I can sit in any angle in the sofa. I guess I value comfort a lot higher than high fidelity.

  • Fluent in Norwegian and English. Norwegian allows me to basically fully understand Swedish and Danish, but my mimicking/mocking of those languages does probably not count as languages I can speak.

    I also have some very rusty german education which would probably allow me to be understood, but hardly enough to have a conversation.

  • I might be the dumb one in this one, but HR asked me if I know “design patterns”.

    “I mean, yes, I know some design patterns. Any specific?”

    “No, just if you are familiar with design patterns.”

    “I mean, there are builder, strategy, sigleton, factory etc. Is the question really not more specific?”

    “My paper just asks if the dev is familiar with design patterns.”

    “Ok. Yes.”