“you thought you did something there, didn’t you?”

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • Right, I thought that might be what you were referring to. This is where we get into weeds technically:

    Those regulations apply to active jamming, which is the use of an electronic device(s) to emit signals that interfere with lawfully approved channels. It is important to note that this holds no practical bearing upon structures as they by definition cannot engage in active jamming, only in passive blocking or coincidental interference.

    What’s being experienced with Walmart’s lack of 5G is likely due to the fact that 5G does not penetrate walls very well. Combine this with the fact that you have hundreds of devices in the same enclosed space trying to talk to the same tower some miles away on the lower bandwidth 5G channel that can penetrate walls, and you can see how 5G access is effectively being “denied” simply by the nature of the business. Walmart could implement an on-premises 5G relay to solve the issue, but why would they want to take on that tech debt? All they are required to do by law is make sure E911 is not impeded by the building or operations of the business. They don’t owe you access to other radio waves when on their premises.

    If this regulation were to somehow be applied to passive blocking like what I’ve described, then Faraday cages would be illegal-- which aren’t, again as long as E911 is not impeded. This would also make high security bamk vaults illegal due to the thick wall construction.

  • If it wasn’t obvious that the Debian box is a parody, here’s what the Japanese Chinese text along the top reads on each box:

    Please read the instructions carefully and use it under the guidance of a physician. It is strictly prohibited to be used in food and feed processing.

    Please read the installation instructions carefully and use it under the guidance of the administrator. It is strictly prohibited to use for server installation.

    so yes, the title is correct-- this is not a coincidence, the Debian box was made explicitly for this joke

    edit: thanks for the correction folks, honestly thought it looked more like Japanese than Chinese at first glance and I am obviously not an expert in either. Appreciate the call-out, very deserved.

  • You know what’s ironic about all this is, as someone who has seen game dev pitches (not good ones), they arguably had their shit together more than most aspiring game devs. Looking back at the skeletals, ya know they actually may have had a chance of getting somewhere. They knew absolutely nothing about the technical side, but hardly any game devs actually do. They probably still stand a better chance today of developing this than some game studios asset-mashing in Unity or Unreal. That’s the true state of game dev.

  • Red Hat

    No, you’re angry at IBM. When news of the IBM acquisition broke, sector veteran colleagues I’m close with moaned and groaned that IBM was sure to do something to piss everyone off again, which was apparently their habit a couple decades back. Sure enough, they could not have been more accurate in their assessment.

    Turns out IBM is three hot messes in a trenchcoat and always has been. Hence why they have already lost the Quantum wars and likely the GenAI wars as well. One AI vet I know says they’re posed to even lose the AI war altogether, which is pathetic given the groundwork provided by Watson alone.