wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game
wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game
Josh does mostly stress testing though
eh, I dont mind those, they are just getters and setters
whats the remote instance browsing feature?
Linus does this well enough on his own, he doesnt need help
where does it mention iphones on that page? am I just blind?
protobuf does all of these (well, except compression which you dont need)
looking at you x3
and rimworld
you can do a non subjective review.
Product X has Y thingamagingies which is better than their previous model and Z percent more than their competitors product
I did it on the sofa, was pretty much the same
work installed some software that blocks all internet acces unless its through their vpn. even local ips
oh that looks good. I think I tried it in the past and gave up on it, but Ill give it another shot, thanks
I want to take work related notes and I dont think they would appreciate those notes beeing on the cloud
I like to ask „when was the last time you had sex, with whom, what did you do exactly and how was it?“
if they would tell me that Id ask if they want their boss, theor parents or their ex to know that info
license doesnt matter if you just link to it
not a liquid vape. they probably mean something like iqos, which just heats thw tobacco
the big difference here is that the child bathing doesnt have any sexual intent, while the teen selfie does
it is pretty boring indeed