ISPs used to provide usenet access for free back in the day.
It’s a distributed federated system in which content is exchanged between different news servers. Clients connect to particular news server which has to be hosted somewhere (and have a lot of storage space) which isn’t free to operate.
Torrents forgo all that and have clients directly connect to one another.
Usenet really wasn’t designed for file sharing. It’s a message board system, but you can easily encode binary data as ASCII text and wham bam now you’re sharing media.
ISPs used to provide usenet access for free back in the day.
It’s a distributed federated system in which content is exchanged between different news servers. Clients connect to particular news server which has to be hosted somewhere (and have a lot of storage space) which isn’t free to operate.
Torrents forgo all that and have clients directly connect to one another.
Usenet really wasn’t designed for file sharing. It’s a message board system, but you can easily encode binary data as ASCII text and wham bam now you’re sharing media.