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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • At this point we’re not even sure if fully autonomous vehicles are possible.

    Yes that one guy has been saying it’ll be ready next year for the passed 10 years, but no self driving company has been able to get an autonomous car from point A to point B in all road conditions that a competent human can manage.

    Even aircraft autopilot is not as autonomous as what people want out of self driving cars. Pilots are still required to be at their seats the entire flight in case something unexpected happens. And there are a lot more unexpected things on a road than in the middle of the sky. Even discounting human drivers being in the way, a self driving car needs to be able to recognize everything a human can and react to it better than a human would. I’m not sure that’s possible, even with “AI”. The human brain is insanely good at pattern matching, and it took millions of years of trial and error evolution to luck our way into that. How can someone guarantee an AI is going to be better?

  • You’re giving me flashbacks to the online training my work makes me do every year.

    I almost failed the first of 7 courses because I made the mistake of trying to do actual work while listening to the training, and didn’t realize there was a 5 minute timer for inactivity on the video player. And no, there was no additional time provided to complete the training. It was mandatory but essentially had to be done on your own time.

  • It’s not a space sim.

    It’s a life sim set in space.

    Chris won’t stop until ShowerTech™ is in the game with realistic health debuffs so there’s a consequence when you don’t do the maintenance gameplay loop on your ship’s bathroom.

    I wish that was entirely a joke.

    But Star citizen has always had FPS missions as a core gameplay aspect, and it’s really one of their main selling points. In no other game can you walk out of a mission, into a ship, hop in the pilot seat and go from the ground to orbit with no cutscene and all of it under player control. The amount of crazy shit you can do just because your character can leave the pilot seat is ridiculous. A month ago I teamed up with some dude who did bounty hunting. He EMPd the other player, had me EVA over to their ship, shoot open the airlock, and gun down the target, all so his buddy could come over and harvest the ship for resources to sell. The emergent gameplay, even though the game can still be very rough, is a really cool aspect of what they’ve made.

  • There’s plenty of cases where they don’t look for cars either.

    Or the cops themselves just straight up steal the car themselves.

    My wife’s car was ordered to be towed by, according to the impound lot, the police.

    Neat thing was that there was no ticket with the car, no police station within 3 miles had a record of a ticket for her or the car, and the area she had parked had no signs that suggested it was illegal to park where she did, nor does the city have any ordinance about overnight parking.

    Best we can figure, is a cop or the tow company that works with the city, just decided to tow a car for funsies and the 500 bucks it took to get it out of impound.

    The police and every organization associated with them are corrupt to the core.

  • Zron@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlI bought a Surface Pro 4 - Update
    8 months ago

    Microsoft has a terrible track record with hardware.

    About the only hardware they’ve ever sold that didn’t crap the bed was the Xbox, Xbox one, and Xbox series whatever the fuck.

    The 360 would cook itself, instead of fixing it, they added red LEDs to tell you it was fucked. The windows phones were unresponsive and unimpressive garbage, and every tablet they’ve made has been mired in various hardware and screen issues.

    It’s almost like a software company that has a business model that depends on selling people regular updates, can’t get its head around the idea that hardware should just work for the task it’s designed to do. They want you to buy a new tablet every year or two, because it makes them money. They don’t really care if the battery is going to cook itself in 5 years, when the plan is you’ll buy a new device in 2 years, because you really need to edit PowerPoint™ presentations while on the train and with a touchscreen.

  • The secret service was just starting to use AR-15 pattern rifles, chambered in .223.

    You can see an agent with an AR-15 falling over when the motorcade accelerated, around the time JFK’s head exploded.

    The only wound that jfk had that had bullet fragmentation was the headshot, despite the .30 caliber carcano rounds that Oswald was firing being very capable of punching straight through a head, and in fact passed cleanly through jfk’s spine and ribs without deforming or splintering.

    The Autopsy report mentions how the bullet entered from the occipital lobe at the back of the skull, and fragmented, causing an exit wound by the ear.

    .223 rounds commonly splinter when impacting bones, as they are fairly small and don’t maintain much momentum when they hit hard surfaces.

  • Thank you. I feel like I’m talking crazy pills reading this thread.

    The world wasn’t a terribly different place ten years ago. Sure, some things are more messed up now, and we have some neat new widgets. But i seriously doubt Apple Pay, the steam deck, and fancy autocorrect I mean chatGPT, have really shifted the world that much.

    More people having smart phones has lead to a societal change where they’re becoming more and more necessary for everyday life, but I could still love my life without one just fine, and many of my older family members are doing just that. I think I’ve used Apple Pay like once in my life when I forgot my wallet at home, and chatGPT reminds me of talking to a dementia patient more than Skynet.

    Now if the question was what the year 2053 would be like, that would be way more interesting. Back in 1993, I don’t think anyone would have accurately guessed what was going on now. Being able to browse the internet on your phone would have seemed nearly pointless and infinitely painful. The internet and internet advertising being a deciding factor in national elections would sound crazy. Electric cars being somewhat affordable and practical would sound like we live in the jetsons.

    I think 2053 is gonna be wild. Hopefully I don’t die of dehydration or catastrophic weather before we get there.