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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Dude, stop getting defensive. Most people aren’t trying to directly belittle you, they’re offering suggestions. It’s okay to take them at pace, my dude. You are allowed to say “I wasn’t able to pick it up due to some long term complications. Man though, dat price. Woo.”

    Some serious and not serious suggestions: You could call to order and pay over the phone and then request someone bring it out and place it in the trunk. You could put a couple masks on which will filter a decent portion of the smell. Walk backwards into the wind while carrying it. If your daughter is old enough and you trust her, perhaps she could have gotten it.

    There are options. You posted this to point out and complain about the pricing, then get defensive when others point out how to make it cheaper. Most of us are reasonably sure you didn’t apply a coupon, for instance. Did you consider calling and asking if they could wrap the box in plastic wrap to mostly eliminate the smell, and apologize while explaining why? All we got is “Pizza smell too strong. Daughter picky. So pricy.” We get you have an issue and that is shitty though like of course people will offer ways to deal.

    That said, I am sorry you’re going through a difficult time. It’s clear we aren’t aware of everything you’ve had to give up. I hope it gets better.

  • I feel combining this with @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca likely creates a fairly accurate sense for the place.

    India is, well…despite their historical advances in medicine and continued strong cultural fascination with academia, at some point they became nothing but call centers, distribution points, and scam centers. There is certainly more to India, though when I think of hacking, I think of China and Russia. When I think of scams, unfortunately India is top of the list.

  • I’m on the fence about this as I agree and disagree with what you’re saying. Not because the elderly do have a disproportionate amount of potential time to vote (with other possible complications that come with it), you’re right that many of them won’t see the true effects that their votes cause. Having said that…

    I also feel that this is a slippery slope. It’s not a far leap to deny voting rights to one group of people and then extend the denial of rights to another group.

    The Black community doesn’t really…

    Native Americans don’t do…

    This minority shouldn’t impact this majority because…

    These are the very things that the Right Wing has spent years, and millions of dollars, promoting in bad faith. Essentially brainwashing far too many people into believing they are correct to hide behind racism and hate and “patriotism” if it means not allowing some group or person they don’t agree with to win, even if it hurts them.

    Let older people vote. Restrict age and experience to mentor status - allowed to sit in and support revisions by guidance, not through official acts, and only if they have acted throughout their time in office for the good of the people within their station, and even then for X years, such as say two. That’s my compromise.

  • It isn’t even paranoia. That’s the pattern. Back before the Great Reddit Enshittification people were noticing and posting. Controversial bills getting fast-laned in single sessions. Stuff being pushed on weekends. News Stations yelling about some story for a week while a shitty footnote was thrown into some funding bill. Then all too often around nationwide voting periods a major conflict being headlined.

    It divides us. Using the most recent conflict, Gaza: Pretty much everyone who isn’t evil agrees that’s a terrible situation. Though it is sowing discourse. The exact same tactics Republicans use to work disagreements are being used to trample on people who beg for us to not let Trump succeed.

    I’m just worried, I guess. This happens nearly every time. The Right bands together last minute to shit on the other guy and the left is too busy arguing amongst themselves to notice. Then we all talk about it and the process repeats.


  • It’s more than that, I’m afraid. After all, conflicts that always seem to be perfect to capture the attention of the masses, amazingly timed just well enough that other systemic issues get swept under its rug, well…

    Let’s just say that it seems exciting problems appear to happen right as things like incredibly controversial bills are passed in an afternoon.

    Bit tinfoily, so take from this what you will.

  • He’s not earned my vote, he just hasn’t lost it because of the potential loss we may suffer at the hands of the current GOP. I believe that Biden has done quite a bit. He also seems oddly stubborn regarding Gaza, which is obviously a pretty big mistake. However, I foresee an entire world negatively impacted by Trump becoming President once again. Yeah, I heavily dislike feeling forced to vote for Biden over someone else. Yet I have seen Biden roll over on many issues and take many positive steps. At least with him there seems to be a way forward where we will still be able to voice our concerns and where the people within our borders who are not white and others who are not straight don’t have to fear for their lives or their freedom.

    With Biden in for a second term we will have something we desperately need now that we seem to have finally begun coming together to some degree: Time. With Trump there is a real possibility that Gaza will become lower on everyone’s list as people we consider friends, family, and neighbors are targeted. It isn’t that the terrible situation in Gaza isn’t important. I just recognize it’s being used to divide us and risks us falling into the trap of dictatorship.

  • This is the situation we’re in, even if you don’t like it. Yes, communities can take care of a lot. Yet for so many people the creation process and love of a product is why they create, not the money. I cannot blame the devs for wanting their game to reach as many people as possible. Nor can I blame Sony for wanting to make money, without that desire we wouldn’t have as many opportunities to play amazing titles as we do, though we can absolutely blame the way that money is made.

    So perhaps you may have gone a different route. Maybe it would have worked, maybe not. Maybe many of us only recognize John Deere, and maybe people in the industry know of alternatives. Point is, I am hesitant to blame devs for nearly anything nowadays. Because this isn’t 1999, these titles aren’t for the PS1, Dreamcast, or even PS2 or original Xbox. It’s 2024 my dude and they had to make a choice: Get the resources, finagle some barely working alternative, or get help. I think many of us would have done the same.

    Go shit on the big companies who are almost always the problem. Everyone else, man… they’re just making the shit they want because many of them love the process. We’re lucky we see so many projects reach the light of day, especially when for every successfully finished one I’d bet there are a 100 which are scrapped part way through.