I assume you mean while on a plane and not onto a plane. Also assuming you mean while on a public plane. Pretty sure masturbating while in public might be a bit illegal at least for dudes, and for anyone whipping it out to get off wouldn’t the exposing ones genitals in public just top it off?
I’ve noticed getting a demo installed with proton enabled to kind of an issue. This should solve that, though there are are ways that could be fixed.
I’ve never been on there either but I saw someone else post today saying they use an alt account for marketplace so it’s apparently possible. Been considering trying it myself.
Maybe pcgaming?
Looks interesting. Why is this in humor though?
I’ve mostly seen the opposite. older people having taken typing classes while people who started typing very yound never got instruction and even if they had their hands would have been too small at the time. they do get pretty good WPMs though.
if your getting the same service at a place that charges 15 vs 60 a steak that’s pretty bad. it’s not just carrying the food.
I’ve been using unlimited for the past 4-5 months and questioning the same. the email is ok, but I can’t commit to switching 20 years of stuff over. the pass is pretty bad at autofill and making new passwords unless I’m just missing something. the vpn works, but I don’t really need it. I want to like and use the service but it’s all just eh.
the password manager kinda sucks too. credit cards are in a category that you have to delete the name of the site you’re visiting in order to see. sometimes I question why I’m paying for the thing. lastpass was way better 10 years ago.
I wonder if it’s the games we play or our systems. Only one that has ever taken more for me is Spider-Man.
Usually takes like 30 seconds or less on my games.
it’s small though.
no. it’s a disagree button!
that’s an interesting idea. would they have to compile individual versions for the testers? will it work after final release and people stop having NDAs and can compare several copies with each other?
I feel like the anti faking agent dulls the flavor. sometimes it’s worth it though cause grating can be a hassle and maybe your gonna melt it.
factorio and rimworld. I can’t believe that combo isn’t here yet.
fermentation almost always ends with dead microbes. beer kills itself from CO2. bread dies from being baked. they are both still fermented.
not fermented anymore? Is that like getting your virginity back?
it’s up to the company running the service and the customer. the user is not the customer.
yeah its overkill. any kind of timeline software would work.