• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I’ll have to have a look when I’m next in the vacinity but I’m pretty sure I have an APC Easy UPS on mine and it works out of the box.

    Let me get back to you…

    Update: It’s an APC Back-UPS 850. No doubt the instructions banged on about requiring Powerchute but I just plugged it into the Syno and it worked fine. You do need to enable UPS support on the NAS itself of course, from Control Panel/Hardware & Power/UPS, and set it to USB UPS.

  • Unless you’re hosting VHDs and need maximum throughput (in which case use NFS), SMB is going to be the easiest to setup and maintain across those 4 platforms.

    The Linux SMB implementation is decent and supports the latest version of the protocol (or close to, at least) whereas NFS in Windows ain’t so great and is a bit of a pig to get working in my experience.

  • Very useful insights, thanks.

    I do currently have external stuff running via a Cloudflare tunnel (which is why I need DNS based LE certs for the internal proxy) but I don’t know if it’s setup correctly (beyond doing basic reverse proxying) and the admin backend for it feels like massive overkill for a home setup. Plus with Immich I run into the issue of a) dire warnings about it being in active dev and potentially insecure and b) filesize limits making away-from-home backups difficult.

    I could well be over thinking the whole thing.

  • This is the correct answer. Due to wear levelling, a traditional drive wipe program isn’t going to work reliably, whereas most (all?) SSDs have some sort of secure erase function.

    It’s been a while since I read up on it but I think it works due to the drive encrypting everything that’s written to it, though you wouldn’t know it’s happening. When you call the secure erase function it just forgets the key and cycles in a new one, rendering everything previously written to it irrecoverable. The bonus is that it’s an incredibly quick operation.

    Failing that, smash it to bits.

  • Very little. I have enough redundancy through regular snapshots and offsite backups that I’m confident enough to let Watchtower auto-update most of my containers once a week - the exceptions being pihole and Home Assistant. Pihole gets very few updates anyway, and I tend to skip the mid-month Home Assistant updates so that’s just a once a month thing to check for breaking changes before pushing the button.

    Meanwhile my servers’ host OSes are stable LTS distros that require very little maintenance in and of themselves.

    Ultimately I like to tinker, but once I’m done tinkering I want things to just work with very little input from me.

  • Short answer: figure out how much of that is actually irreplaceable and then find a friend or friends who’d be willing to set aside some of their storage space for your backups in exchange for you doing the same.

    Tailscale makes the networking logistics incredibly simple and then you can do the actual backups however you see fit.