• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Apple thinks their users are smart enough to use tags, while Gnome developers think the user are too dump to use tags

    Isn’t this ironic? The DE with a user base that is way more tech savvy people thinks users can’t use tags.

    macOS has no proper software management, all apps try to up-sell me on their shitty i-cloud offerings,

    What are you talking about?? At least on macOS app icons are consistent not the crap they are on GNOME.

    macOS (…) setup cannot be properly automated

    This couldn’t be further from the truth. Apple makes automated setup even easier than it is on MS ecosystems, companies can literally buy a computer on the Apple Store and have it shipped to an employee with the companie’s profile pre-installed by Apple without even needing to touch or open the box. The employee get’s the computer, opens the box and just has to login with this corporate account.

    You’ve Apple’s own MDM, Jamf, JumpCloud and so many others. Even Ansible can be used to configure, setup and automated macOS deployments.

    macOS feels too slow for the hardware it runs on…

    Well at least it doesn’t like a 5 second pointless fade animation after every single click like GNOME does, nor does it bundle web technologies for theming that make the DE be as slow as it can get when it comes to rendering a new window.

  • According to the UX experts you don’t need the space between the save and discard buttons as long as the “save” is the first one. Missclick are more prone to happen from top to bottom than the other way around, so if the user wanted to hit “save” it’s more likely he will click above the button than it is to click “discard”. Same logic applied down there, when the using is looking to cancel it’s easier to missclick and hit the “discard” button than anything else.

  • I’m curious what you are referring to losing work due to a misclick?

    If you place “Discard” and “Cancel” next to each other, without a margin in between, is easier a user looking to click on “Cancel” to click on “Discard” and lose a document. This is more common than people think and that’s why Apple added the margin there and also why any good UX manual tells you to add a margin for destructive operations like that one.

  • LXC is worse than virtualization as it pins to a single core instead of getting scheduled by the kernel scheduler. It also is quiet slow and dated. Either run Podman, Docker or full VMs.

    First what you’re saying about the scheduler isn’t even what happens by default, that was some crap that Proxmox pulled when they migrated from OpenVZ to LXC. To be fair, they had a bunch of more or less valid reasons to force that configuration, but again it due to kernel related issues that were affecting Proxmox more than regular Ubuntu and those issues were solved around the end of 2021.

    Now Docker and LXC serve different purposes and they aren’t a replacement for each other. Docker is a stateless application container solution while LXC is a full persistent container aimed at running full operating systems…

    Docker and LXC share a bunch of underlaying technologies at on the beginning Docker even used LXC as their backed, they later moved to their execution environment called libcontainer because they weren’t using all the featured that LXC provided and wanted more control over the implementation.

    For those who really need full systems is LXC definitely faster than a VM. Your argument assumes everything can and should be done inside Docker/Podman when that’s very far from the reality. The Docker guys have written a very good article showcasing the differences and optimal use cases for both.

    Here two quotes for you:

    LXC is especially beneficial for users who need granular control over their environments and applications that require near-native performance. As an open source project, LXC continues to evolve, shaped by a community of developers committed to enhancing its capabilities and integration with the Linux kernel. LXC remains a powerful tool for developers looking for efficient, scalable, and secure containerization solutions. Efficient access to hardware resources (…) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) (…) Close to native performance, suitable for intensive computational tasks.

    Docker excels in environments where deployment speed and configuration simplicity are paramount, making it an ideal choice for modern software development. Streamlined deployment (…) Microservices architecture (…) CI/CD pipelines.


    It also ships with a newer kernel than Debian although it shouldn’t matter as you are using it for virtualization.

    It matters, trust me. Once you start requiring modules it will suddenly matter. Either way even if they ship a kernel that is newer than Debian it is so fucked at that point that you’ll be better with whatever Debian provides out of the box.