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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Well you certainly don’t that applies for everyone. And for all I know you, you could be super negative, project the worst scenarios only and/or you could be the problem in all your relationships and this is the excuse you landed on for maintaining a delusion.

    You could be lying about having a wife just so you can ‘win’ an argument online with a total stranger online.

    Not a far reach considering your response here.

  • -Life is too short for bad coffee, bad wine, bad shoes and bad people.

    -spend the required money in a good bed and a good chair. When it comes down to it later, it is not negotiable for your back.

    -you will have to have a lawyer involved sometimes such as drafting up a will. It’s worth it. Also: do your will and sort out your stuff even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

    -clean like you’re moving house once a year. Cut down on the hoarding.

    -‘no’ Is a complete sentence.

    -sometimes acceptance of a situation is what it is is the only closure you’re ever going to get.

    -acknowledge your stuff <—//—> other people’s stuff. Others might not work on their own stuff but they aren’t your job.

    -resentment isn’t always something someone gives you nor is it the reality of the situation. Sometimes a person invites it along. Eg: assuming such things as someone being late to dinner is a personalized slight to your energy and time.

    -try not to confuse misunderstanding with malice.

    -remember the good ones. It’s so easy to just count the nasty people in your life and have them as your comparison for things. Spending your energy this way overlooks all the good people in your life and that’s not fair to them and the effort they put in with you.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlZionist Karen
    5 months ago

    There is a lot of prediction you’re doing in things you don’t like in other people. I mean holy crap you’re reading between the lines, reading minds, and injecting a bunch of stuff that goes way over someone who calls the cops on someone in the park for existing while black. All so you can live in some form of victimhood cuz you’re scared of women. Leave the actual flagrant racism alone and challenge your thinking pattern. Do some cognitive work. Not every woman is out to get you. A lot of that is you likely not owning your shit, someone likely didn’t want to put up with your shit (while existing female around you) and you projecting that shit onto them.

    Meanwhile regardless how men dress or do they hair they can form a group for putting people to literal death.

    But yeah, do go on cuz you’re offended someone for colouring their hair purple and ordered a pumpkin spice latte with almond milk not a cappuccino and gasp tried to tell you this and you decided they are trying to ‘get you fired’ just for that. That’s digging into the real important shit of the world, snowflake.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlZionist Karen
    5 months ago

    Is this your first introduction with the term ‘proudboy’? Did you just sleep through 2020 election and too embarrassed to admit it or were you literally born yesterday? Or is this just a troll shitPost attempt? I’m going to go with the last one and block your ass. So you’re going to have to find someone else’s time to waste with bad faith posting though I’d prefer it if you didn’t but whatever. you are clearly hellbent on being the shittiest version of you.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlZionist Karen
    5 months ago

    Can we knock it off with the karens already? I haven’t yet met a bad person named Karen. Brenda. Now I’ve met a few train wrecks named Brenda. Or just maybe we can knock it off with the underlying red herring sexism. We know already karen is a catch all term to get the hate pointed at women and off of the gun toting proudboys.

  • I think the key word there is consent. And the other important topic is distribution.

    Would you consent to having your picture taken naked is different to someone taking a picture without you knowing or them asking for consent. If you wanted the picture of you naked and the person wanted to take a picture of you naked, both sides consented. But then how it is distributed is another matter. You can still not have the consent a person would need to distribute the picture. This is why it’s becoming illegal in more and more countries to show a naked picture to someone you took with your phone even if that person consented to have the picture taken that does not mean they consent to you to distribute it acting on behalf as their agent. In cases where this has happened the person poses or sends the picture to one person they want to have it. That isn’t agency to distribute it or/and make money off of it.

    A person taking a shit in public or changing with the door open are both examples of giving consent to be publicly seen if you’re deciding to do the act however the witnesses to it are not giving consent to have it in their space to be forced to see it. But then should one of the witnesses have a cel phone and film you shitting or changing in public, this also falls into the you-didn’t-consent to how it’s distributed.

    The whole privacy issue is it is done entirely without one person giving consent to have their information distributed. Even if you did consent to give that person some personal information, they then decide without your consent to act as your agent about your personal information in how it’s distributed.

  • Do YOU have anything to hide??

    “Yea my bank information, passwords, personal identity, identity of all my loved ones. But hey, if you hate having security and love being blackmailed and hate everyone who you have ever made contact in your life and wish to make their life hell then you do you and stay far the fuck away from me. We don’t know each other and we never will”